• Broad-front migration leads to strong migratory connectivity in the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) 

      Sarà M., Bondì S., Bermejo A., Bourgeois M., Bouzin M., Bustamante J., de la Puente J., Evangelidis A., Frassanito A., Fulco E., Giglio G., Gradev G., Griggio M., López-Ricaurte L., Kordopatis P., Marin S., Martínez J., Mascara R., Mellone U., Pellegrino S.C., Pilard P., Podofillini S., Romero M., Gustin M., Saulnier N., Serra L., Sfougaris A., Urios V., Visceglia M., Vlachopoulos K., Zanca L., Cecere J.G., Rubolini D. (2019)
      Aim: Migratory animals regularly move between often distant breeding and non-breeding ranges. Knowledge about how these ranges are linked by movements of individuals from different populations is crucial for unravelling ...
    • Determinants of refugee and migrant health status in 10 european countries: The mig-healthcare project 

      Riza E., Karnaki P., Gil-Salmerón A., Zota K., Ho M., Petropoulou M., Katsas K., Garcés-Ferrer J., Linos A. (2020)
      In this study, we collect and synthesize information on the health status of the refugee/migrant population in ten European countries in order to map refugee/migrant health needs. With this information, we identify areas ...