Sfoglia per Soggetto "Loading condition"
Items 1-5 di 5
Fatigue crack growth and remaining life assessment of 2024 aluminum with variation in microstructure
(2010)The LTSM-F crack growth model is implemented in the present work for the assessment of crack growth and remaining fatigue life of 2024 aluminium alloy with different microstructure. The effect of microstructure in the crack ... -
Monitoring gross vehicle weight with a probabilistic and influence line-free bridge weight-in-motion scheme based on a transmissibility-like index
(2022)A new transmissibility-like index defined as the ratio of the frequency responses of the same monitoring location under two different loading conditions was proposed for Gross Vehicle Weights (GVWs) monitoring in this ... -
Rolling contact fatigue of rails
(2013)Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) has been of increasing concern in the recent years regarding the safe operation of high-speed railway track with high traffic intensity. The present paper summarizes the results of an on-going ... -
Sand fabric evolution effects on drain design for liquefaction mitigation
(2011)This paper revisits the seminal work of Seed and Booker (1977) [21] on the design of infinitely permeable drains for liquefaction mitigation. It is shown that their basic mathematical assumption for the rate of earthquake-induced ... -
Structural performance of TS590 high-strength steel welded tubular joints under extreme bending loading
(2012)The present work examines the behavior of welded tubular connections made of high-strength steel and subjected to extreme loading conditions focusing on their low-cycle fatigue performance and highlighting the benefits of ...