Parcourir par sujet "mite"
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Health Hazards Associated with Arthropod Infestation of Stored Products
(2018)Insects and mites are common inhabitants and accidental invaders of food, including durable commodities, and their presence can have both direct and indirect effects on human health. The most common direct effect is ... -
A review of insect cold hardiness and its potential in stored product insect control
(2017)In this paper, we briefly review the ability of insects and mites to survive exposures to low temperatures and discuss its characteristics. The potential implications and uses for post-harvest pest control are also addressed ... -
The role of botanical treatments used in apiculture to control arthropod pests
(2022)Among pests of bees and beehives, arthropods make up a large and important group. Mites like Varroa destructor, Acarapis woodi, or Tropilaelaps spp., beetles (Aethina tumida, Oplostomus spp.), and lepidopterans (Galleria ...