Parcourir par sujet "interferon"
    • Association of antiviral therapy with reduced disease progression in chronic hepatitis b patients: Results from a nation-wide cohort study 

      Vourli G., Papatheodoridis G., Raptopoulou M., Dalekos G.N., Hounta A., Nikolopoulou G., Zouboulis-Vafeiadis I., Manesis E., Kitis G., Gogos C., Ketikoglou I., Hatzis G., Vasilialdis T., Karatapanis S., Mimidis K., Drakoulis C., Touloumi G., The Hepnet-Greece Study (2016)
      Background and Aims: Although effective treatment in terms of inducing virological and biochemical response for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is available, its effect on the clinical course of the disease has not yet been ...
    • CADASIL in Greece: Mutational spectrum and clinical characteristics based on a systematic review and pooled analysis of published cases 

      Paraskevas G.P., Stefanou M.I., Constantinides V.C., Bakola E., Chondrogianni M., Giannopoulos S., Kararizou E., Boufidou F., Zompola C., Tsantzali I., Theodorou A., Palaiodimou L., Vikelis M., Lachanis S., Papathanasiou M., Bakirtzis C., Koutroulou I., Karapanayiotides T., Xiromerisiou G., Kapaki E., Tsivgoulis G. (2022)
      Background: Differences have been noted in the clinical presentation and mutational spectrum of CADASIL among various geographical areas. The aim of the present study was to investigate the mode of clinical presentation ...
    • Cadherin and Wnt signaling pathways as key regulators in diabetic nephropathy 

      Tziastoudi M., Tsezou A., Stefanidis I. (2021)
      Aim A recent meta-analysis of genome-wide linkage studies (GWLS) has identified multiple genetic regions suggestive of linkage with DN harboring hundreds of genes. Moving this number of genetic loci forward into biological ...
    • COVID-19 Infection among Elite Football Players: A Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study 

      Papagiannis D., Laios T., Tryposkiadis K., Kouriotis K., Roussis X., Basdekis G., Boudouris P., Cholevas C., Karakitsios S., Kakavas P., Kiriakidis T., Kouloumentas P., Kouvidis G., Manoudis G., Nikolaou P., Theos C., Piskopakis A.-N., Rallis I., Ristanis S., Toliopoulos A., Zisis G., Theodorakis Y., Gourgoulianis K.I., Rachiotis G. (2022)
      Little is known about the risk of COVID-19 infection among footballers. We aimed to investigate the incidence and characteristics of COVID-19 infection among footballers. In total, 480 football players of Super League ...
    • The current role of surgery in the treatment of cardiac metastases from malignant melanoma: An educational presentation 

      Spiliopoulos K., Engels P., Kimpouri K., Floudas I., Salemis N.S., Schmid F.-X. (2021)
      A 71 year-old male with a history of multiple excisions of an initial Clark’s level V melanoma of the breast followed by combined radiation and interferon treatment, as well as a recurrence, 3 years later, of a BRAF-positive ...
    • Deficiency of the B cell-activating factor receptor results in limited CD169+ macrophage function during viral infection 

      Xu, H. C.; Huang, J.; Khairnar, V.; Duhan, V.; Pandyra, A. A.; Grusdat, M.; Shinde, P.; McIlwain, D. R.; Maney, S. K.; Gommerman, J.; Löhning, M.; Ohashi, P. S.; Mak, T. W.; Pieper, K.; Sic, H.; Speletas, M.; Eibel, H.; Ware, C. F.; Tumanov, A. V.; Kruglov, A. A.; Nedospasov, S. A.; Häusinger, D.; Recher, M.; Lang, K. S.; Lang, P. A. (2015)
      The B cell-activating factor (BAFF) is critical for B cell development and humoral immunity in mice and humans. While the role of BAFF in B cells has been widely described, its role in innate immunity remains unknown. Using ...
    • Efficacy of Interferon A-2b Monotherapy in B-Thalassemics with Chronic Hepatitis C 

      Kalafateli, M.; Kourakli, A.; Gatselis, N.; Lambropoulou, P.; Thomopoulos, K.; Tsamandas, A.; Christofidou, M.; Zachou, K.; Jelastopoulou, E.; Nikolopoulou, V.; Symeonidis, A.; Dalekos, G. N.; Lambropoulou-Karatza, C.; Triantos, C. (2015)
      Background & Aims: Monotherapy with standard or pegylated interferon (PegIFN) remains the first-line treatment for HCV infection in patients with thalassemia major (beta TM), although its long-term impact is still unknown. ...
    • Genotype 4 HCV infection is difficult to cure with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. Results from a Greek Nationwide Cohort Study 

      Anagnostou, O.; Manolakopoulos, S.; Bakoyannis, G.; Papatheodoridis, G.; Zisouli, A.; Raptopoulou-Gigi, M.; Manesis, E.; Ketikoglou, I.; Dalekos, G.; Gogos, C.; Vassiliadis, T.; Tzourmakliotis, D.; Karatapanis, S.; Kanatakis, S.; Zoumpoulis-Vafiadis, I.; Hounta, A.; Koutsounas, S.; Giannoulis, G.; Tassopoulos, N.; Touloumi, G. (2014)
      Background and aim: Patients with genotype 4 (G4) chronic hepatitis C (CHC) are considered a difficult to treat population, although current data on G4 treatment responsiveness and duration are controversial. Greece ...
    • IFNs-signaling effects on lung cancer: an up-to-date pathways-specific review 

      Galani V., Kastamoulas M., Varouktsi A., Lampri E., Mitselou A., Arvanitis D.L. (2017)
      IFNs have found important applications in clinical medicine, including the treatment of lung malignancies. The biological effect of the IFN-receptor signaling is regulated essentially by three factors: the expression profile ...
    • Melanoma: The Radiotherapeutic point of view; review of the current literature 

      Zygogianni, A.; Kyrgias, G.; Kouvaris, J.; Mystakidou, K.; Gogas, H.; Kouloulias, V. (2011)
      Surgery remains the mainstay of melanoma therapy at all sites. Melanoma is widely believed to be a radioresistant tumor, a misconception that has historically led to the limited use of RT for its treatment. We searched ...
    • New biologic-response modifiers in ocular inflammatory disease: beyond anti-TNF treatment 

      Dastiridou, A.; Kalogeropoulos, C.; Brazitikos, P.; Symeonidis, C.; Androudi, S. (2012)
      Current treatment guidelines for chronic ocular inflammatory disease recommend the use of steroid-sparing agents. The development of conventional immunomodulatory agents has largely changed the visual outcome in these ...
    • Patients with haemoglobinopathies and chronic hepatitis C: A real difficult to treat population in 2016? 

      Zachou K., Arvaniti P., Gatselis N.K., Azariadis K., Papadamou G., Rigopoulou E., Dalekos G.N. (2017)
      Background & objectives: In the past, patients with haemoglobinopathies were at high risk of acquiring hepatitis C virus (HCV) due to multiple transfusions before HCV screening. In these patients, the coexistence of ...
    • Reactive oxygen species as an initiator of toxic innate immune responses in retort to SARS-CoV-2 in an ageing population, consider N-acetylcysteine as early therapeutic intervention 

      Nasi A., McArdle S., Gaudernack G., Westman G., Melief C., Rockberg J., Arens R., Kouretas D., Sjölin J., Mangsbo S. (2020)
      During the current COVID-19 pandemic, a need for evaluation of already available drugs for treatment of the disease is crucial. Hereby, based on literature review from the current pandemic and previous outbreaks with corona ...
    • Relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and the incidence of ventilator-associated lower respiratory tract infections: a European multicenter cohort study 

      Rouzé A., Martin-Loeches I., Povoa P., Makris D., Artigas A., Bouchereau M., Lambiotte F., Metzelard M., Cuchet P., Boulle Geronimi C., Labruyere M., Tamion F., Nyunga M., Luyt C.-E., Labreuche J., Pouly O., Bardin J., Saade A., Asfar P., Baudel J.-L., Beurton A., Garot D., Ioannidou I., Kreitmann L., Llitjos J.-F., Magira E., Mégarbane B., Meguerditchian D., Moglia E., Mekontso-Dessap A., Reignier J., Turpin M., Pierre A., Plantefeve G., Vinsonneau C., Floch P.-E., Weiss N., Ceccato A., Torres A., Duhamel A., Nseir S., Favory R., Preau S., Jourdain M., Poissy J., Bouras C., Saint Leger P., Fodil H., Aptel F., Van Der Linden T., Thille A.W., Azoulay E., Pène F., Razazi K., Bagate F., Contou D., Voiriot G., Thevenin D., Guidet B., Le Guennec L., Kouatchet A., Ehrmann S., Brunin G., Morawiec E., Boyer A., Argaud L., Voicu S., Nieszkowska A., Kowalski B., Goma G., Diaz E., Morales L., Tsolaki V., Gtavriilidis G., Mentzelopoulos S.D., Nora D., Boyd S., Coelho L., Maizel J., Du Cheyron D., Imouloudene M., Quenot J.-P., Guilbert A., Cilloniz C., on behalf of the coVAPid study Group (2021)
      Purpose: Although patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection have several risk factors for ventilator-associated lower respiratory tract infections (VA-LRTI), the reported incidence of hospital-acquired infections is low. We aimed ...
    • Renal function during treatment with adefovir plus peginterferon alfa-2a vs either drug alone in hepatitis B/D co-infection 

      Mederacke, I.; Yurdaydin, C.; Großhennig, A.; Erhardt, A.; Cakaloglu, Y.; Yalcin, K.; Gurel, S.; Zeuzem, S.; Zachou, K.; Chatzikyrkou, C.; Bozkaya, H.; Dalekos, G. N.; Manns, M. P.; Wedemeyer, H. (2012)
      Long-term safety of treatment with hepatitis B virus (HBV) polymerase inhibitors is a concern. Adefovir dipivoxil (ADV) therapy has previously been associated with impairment of renal function. Limited data are available ...
    • SARS-CoV-2 and type I interferon signaling in brain endothelial cells: Blurring the lines between friend or foe 

      Vavougios G.D., Zarogiannis S.G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Krogfelt K.A., Gourgoulianis K.I. (2022)
      [No abstract available]
    • Significance of serum HBV RNA in non-cirrhotic HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients who discontinue effective antiviral therapy 

      Papatheodoridi M., Papachristou E., Moschidis Z., Hadziyannis E., Rigopoulou E., Zachou K., Villeret F., Magiorkinis G., Lyberopoulou A., Gatselis N., Vlachogiannakos I., Manolakopoulos S., Dalekos G.N., Zoulim F., Paraskevis D., Papatheodoridis G.V. (2022)
      HBV RNA is considered as a promising predictor in patients who discontinue nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs). We determined HBV RNA levels in non-cirrhotic HBeAg-negative patients who discontinued NAs and assessed their ...
    • The state of hepatitis B and C in the mediterranean and balkan countries: Report from a summit conference 

      Hatzakis, A.; Van Damme, P.; Alcorn, K.; Gore, C.; Benazzouz, M.; Berkane, S.; Buti, M.; Carballo, M.; Cortes Martins, H.; Deuffic-Burban, S.; Dominguez, A.; Donoghoe, M.; Elzouki, A. N.; Ben-Alaya Bouafif, N.; Esmat, G.; Esteban, R.; Fabri, M.; Fenton, K.; Goldberg, D.; Goulis, I.; Hadjichristodoulou, T.; Hatzigeorgiou, T.; Hamouda, O.; Hasurdjiev, S.; Hughes, S.; Kautz, A.; Malik, M.; Manolakopoulos, S.; Matičič, M.; Papatheodoridis, G.; Peck, R.; Peterle, A.; Potamitis, G.; Prati, D.; Roudot-Thoraval, F.; Reic, T.; Sharara, A.; Shennak, M.; Shiha, G.; Shouval, D.; Sočan, M.; Thomas, H.; Thursz, M.; Tosti, M.; Trépo, C.; Vince, A.; Vounou, E.; Wiessing, L.; Manns, M. (2013)
      The burden of disease due to chronic viral hepatitis constitutes a global threat. In many Balkan and Mediterranean countries, the disease burden due to viral hepatitis remains largely unrecognized, including in high-risk ...
    • Type I interferonopathy in a young adult 

      Manoussakis M.N., Mavragani C.P., Nezos A., Zampeli E., Germenis A., Moutsopoulos H.M. (2017)
      [No abstract available]
    • Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in pleural effusions 

      Kiropoulos, T. S.; Daniil, Z.; Gourgoulianis, K. I.; Zakynthinos, E. (2007)
      Pleural effusion is a common clinical problem in everyday clinical practice. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a 34-45 kDa homodimeric glycoprotein, which is a potent mediator of angiogenesis and vascular ...