Parcourir par sujet "Nitrification"
Voici les éléments 1-5 de 5
Assessment of the impact of three pesticides on microbial dynamics and functions in a lab-to-field experimental approach
(2018)The toxicity of pesticides on soil microorganisms is as an emerging area of concern. Novel and well-standardized tools could be now used to provide a robust assessment of the ecotoxicity of pesticides on soil microorganisms. ... -
Blame it on the metabolite: 3,5-dichloroaniline rather than the parent compound is responsible for the decreasing diversity and function of soil microorganisms
(2018)Pesticides are key stressors of soil microorganisms with reciprocal effects on ecosystem functioning. These effects have been mainly attributed to the parent compounds, while the impact of their transformation products ... -
Irrigation of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) with microcystin-enriched water holds low risk for plants and their associated rhizopheric and epiphytic microbiome
(2020)Microcystins (MCs) are toxins produced during cyanobacterial blooms. They reach soil and translocated to plants through irrigation of agricultural land with water from MC-impacted freshwater systems. To date we have good ... -
Land spreading of wastewaters from the fruit-packaging industry and potential effects on soil microbes: Effects of the antioxidant ethoxyquin and its metabolites on ammonia oxidizers
(2016)Thiabendazole (TBZ), imazalil (IMZ), ortho-phenylphenol (OPP), diphenylamine (DPA), and ethoxyquin (EQ) are used in fruitpackaging plants (FPP) with the stipulation that wastewaters produced by their application would be ... -
Pesticide effects on nitrogen cycle related microbial functions and community composition
(2022)The extensive application of pesticides in agriculture raises concerns about their potential negative impact on soil microorganisms, being the key drivers of nutrient cycling. Most studies have investigated the effect of ...