Parcourir par sujet "Human health risks"
Voici les éléments 1-7 de 7
Assessment of heavy metal(loid)s contamination risk and grain nutritional quality in organic waste-amended soil
(2020)Studies that evaluate the human health risk of heavy metal(loid)s pollution have not been widely performed for organic waste-amended soils on the Loess Plateau of China. With this respect, we conducted a 3-year field trial ... -
A critical prospective analysis of the potential toxicity of trace element regulation limits in soils worldwide: Are they protective concerning health risk assessment? - A review
(2019)Trace elements (TEs) may have toxic effects to plants and humans; thus, countries and organizations impose maximum allowable regulation limits of their concentrations in soils. Usually such limits are placed in different ... -
Human health risk via soil ingestion of potentially toxic elements and remediation potential of native plants near an abandoned mine spoil in Ghana
(2021)Integrated studies about potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in sites near gold mining spoils, their contamination and human health risk, as well as remediation potential of native plants are limited. Therefore, our aim was ... -
Integrated assessment of the impact of land use types on soil pollution by potentially toxic elements and the associated ecological and human health risk
(2022)The impact of land use type on the content of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in the soils of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) and the associated ecological and human health risks has drawn great attention. Consequently, ... -
Soil contamination by potentially toxic elements and the associated human health risk in geo- and anthropogenic contaminated soils: A case study from the temperate region (Germany) and the arid region (Egypt)
(2020)Soil contamination was very high in the studied soils (pollution load index ranged from 1.1 to 5.2), especially in the German and Egyptian Fluvisols; health risk for children was higher than for adults, and As, Al, Cr, Cu, ... -
Study on particulate matter air pollution, source origin, and human health risk based of PM10 metal content in Volos City, Greece
(2017)Investigations on the fluctuation in PM10 air pollution in Volos, a medium-sized industrialized port city in the Mediterranean, are presented for the 5-year period between 2009 and 2014. The levels detected have been ... -
Tracing the sources of bioaccessible metal(loid)s in urban environments: A multidisciplinary approach
(2021)Understanding the links between sources of magnetic particles and bioaccessibility of metal(loids) in environmental sampling media is crucial for better evaluating human health risks, although relevant information in the ...