Listar por tema "vanadium"
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Health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in soils along the Central Elbe River, Germany
(2019)Floodplain soils across Central Elbe River (CER), Germany, vary considerably in potentially toxic element (PTE) content. However, there has never been a comprehensive study that links PTE levels with human health risk for ... -
Human health risk via soil ingestion of potentially toxic elements and remediation potential of native plants near an abandoned mine spoil in Ghana
(2021)Integrated studies about potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in sites near gold mining spoils, their contamination and human health risk, as well as remediation potential of native plants are limited. Therefore, our aim was ... -
Release of toxic elements in fishpond sediments under dynamic redox conditions: Assessing the potential environmental risk for a safe management of fisheries systems and degraded waterlogged sediments
(2020)Waterlogged soils and sediments contaminated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) constitute a complicated case of degraded areas; their management requires understanding of the dynamic redox-driven PTE mobilization. ... -
Soil contamination by potentially toxic elements and the associated human health risk in geo- and anthropogenic contaminated soils: A case study from the temperate region (Germany) and the arid region (Egypt)
(2020)Soil contamination was very high in the studied soils (pollution load index ranged from 1.1 to 5.2), especially in the German and Egyptian Fluvisols; health risk for children was higher than for adults, and As, Al, Cr, Cu, ...