Listar por tema "Piles"
Mostrando ítems 1-11 de 11
Contribution to the design methodologies of piled raft foundations under combined loadings
(2016)Although simplified design methods for piled raft foundations have been proposed to allow for the group effect and soil-pile-raft interaction, most of them are concentrated on one type of loading, rendering the applicability ... -
Explicit extension of the p-y method to pile groups in cohesive soils
(2013)Although simplified numerical methods are reliable for evaluating the response of a single pile under horizontal load, their application is questionable for assessing the response of pile groups. The notion of "p-y" curves ... -
Heating and cooling induced stresses and displacements in heat exchanger piles in sand
(2020)Heating and cooling of heat exchanger piles causes changes in the axial stresses in the pile and vertical pile displacements. Changes in axial stress (thermal stresses) are more significant in the case of fixed head piles, ... -
Improved Relationships for the Pile Base Response in Clayey Soils
(2021)Recent research on the topic of pile base resistance has demonstrated that the guidelines provided by existing design manuals and codes are rather conservative in the case of clayey soils under undrained conditions. With ... -
Numerical Evaluation of Pile Response Under Combined Lateral and Axial Loading
(2018)Piled foundations are frequently subjected to simultaneous axial and lateral loadings. However, the interaction effects of the one loading on the other are, in most cases, disregarded for the sake of simplicity. With the ... -
Pile groups under axial loading: An appraisal of simplified non-linear prediction models
(2019)The settlement behaviour of vertically loaded pile groups has been the subject of an extensive body of research over the past two decades. In particular, this work has identified the over-conservatism associated with ... -
Response of pile groups in clays under lateral loading based on 3-D numerical experiments
(2010)The response of laterally loaded pile foundations may be significantly important in the design of structures for such loads. Although simplified numerical methods are reliable for evaluating the response of a single pile ... -
Response prediction for axially loaded pile groups in clays using 3D nonlinear analysis
(2005)The objective of this paper is to quantify the effect of the interaction between the piles of a group under axial loading in clayey soils. Three dimensional parametric nonlinear analysis was carried out for various pile ... -
Response prediction for horizontally loaded pile groups
(2003)The load-deflection curve simulating the response of pile foundation under horizontal loading is indispensable for the design of piles to resist lateral loads. A static horizontal pile load test or even an adequate p-y ... -
Soil-Structure Interaction Effects in Offshore Wind Support Structures under Seismic Loading
(2019)This paper explores the performance of a 10 MW offshore wind turbine (OWT) supported either on a large diameter monopile or a 4-legged jacket emphasizing on the nonlinear response of its belowseabed foundation. The seabed ... -
Variation of p-multipliers for pile groups in clayey soils
(2012)A common approach to assess the diverse response of the piles forming a pile group is the p-multipliers method. Although several studies have been occupied with the estimation of p-multipliers, usually assigned for pile ...