Listar por tema "Elastoplasticity"
Mostrando ítems 1-19 de 19
Analysis of Knoop indentation
(2011)Knoop indentation tests have long been a standard method for material characterization due to the fact that they provide an easy inexpensive non destructive and objective method of evaluating basic properties from small ... -
Bending and buckling of internally-pressurized steel lined pipes
(2019)During offshore installation, steel lined pipes are subjected to severe plastic bending, resulting in detachment of the thin-walled liner pipe from the outer pipe and eventually, the formation of local buckling in the form ... -
Circular tunnel in a gradient elastoplastic rock mass
(2020)This paper attempts to study the mechanical behavior of an elastoplastic rock mass around an underground circular excavation by using gradient theory. The problem (in plane conditions) is reduced to that of a circular hole ... -
Constitutive modeling and finite element methods for TRIP steels
(2006)A constitutive model that describes the mechanical behavior of steels exhibiting "TRansformation Induced Plasticity" (TRIP) during martensitic transformation is presented. Multiphase TRIP steels are considered as composite ... -
Dependence of friction coefficient on the resolution of asperities in metallic rough surfaces under cyclic loading
(2017)In this paper the friction mechanism that is developed between metallic rough interfaces with irregularities of different scales, submitted to cyclic loading is studied. The main purpose of the paper is to investigate how ... -
Effect of yield surface shape on the simulated elasto-plastic response of cohesive soils
(2010)This paper presents a discussion on the effect of the selected yield surface shape on the simulated drained and undrained response of cohesive soils. The discussion is made possible by sequentially implementing two different ... -
(2019)Tribological information obtained for contacts with multiple-asperity interaction is a challenging task. In this work, the friction mechanism that is developed between rough interfaces with asperities of different geometry ... -
Finite Element Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior of Mitered Steel Pipe Elbows under Bending and Pressure
(2016)Using finite element simulation tools, which account for both geometric and material nonlinearities, the bending capacity of mitered steel pipe bends is investigated. First, numerical results are reported on the elastic ... -
Finite element modeling of trip steels
(2004)In this paper, a constitutive model that describes the mechanical behavior of steels exhibiting the "Transformation Induced Plasticity" (TRIP) phenomenon during martensitic transformation is presented. Multiphase TRIP ... -
An implicit numerical scheme for cyclic elastoplasticity and ratcheting under plane stress conditions
(2021)The paper reports the development of an implicit numerical scheme for plane stress cyclic elasto-plasticity, capable of integrating a wide range of hardening rules, and simulating multi-axial ratcheting in metal structural ... -
Incremental variational procedure for elasto-viscoplastic composites and application to polymer- and metal-matrix composites reinforced by spheroidal elastic particles
(2016)This paper presents an alternative formulation of the incremental variational procedure (IVP) of Lahellec and Suquet (2013) to estimate the macroscopic response and field statistics in elasto-viscoplastic composites. The ... -
Influence of lined pipe fabrication on liner wrinkling
(2019)An economical method to protect offshore pipelines against corrosive ingredients of hydrocarbons is a double-walled (also called “lined” or “bi-metallic”) pipe, in which a thick-walled low-alloy carbon steel (“outer pipe”) ... -
A Linear Complementarity formulation of rate-independent finite-strain elastoplasticity. Part II: Calculation of bifurcation and limit points
(2012)A methodology for the numerical solution of discretized boundary value problems that involve rate-independent, elastic-plastic finite-strain models is developed. The formulation is given in terms of a structural Linear ... -
A methodology for the estimation of the effective yield function of isotropic composites
(2016)In this work we derive a general model for N-phase isotropic, incompressible, rate-independent elasto-plastic materials at finite strains. The model is based on the nonlinear homogenization variational (or modified secant) ... -
On the macroscopic response and field statistics in particulate composites with elasto-plastic phases and random microstructures
(2021)In this article, we carry out a theoretical investigation of the macroscopic response and field statistics in two-phase particulate composites with elasto-plastic constituents and random microstructures under cyclic loading ... -
A second gradient elasto-plastic model for fatigue of small-scale metal components
(2010)Purpose - As the dimensions of structures are scaled down to the micro- and nano-domains, the mechanical behavior becomes size dependent and thus, the classical elasticity solutions cannot be expected to hold. In particular, ... -
A strain-gradient isotropic elastoplastic damage model with J3 dependence
(2019)A “plastic-strain-gradient” version of an isotropic elastoplastic damage model that depends on the third invariant J3 of the stress deviator is developed. The model is based on the “non-local” equivalent plastic strain ep ... -
Underground circular openings in elastoplastic rocks: Strain gradient and size effects
(2020)A special form of gradient elasticity and a deformation version of gradient plasticity are employed to derive analytical solutions for the problem of an unsupported underground circular opening in an elastoplastic rock ... -
Wrinkling of lined steel pipes under bending
(2013)Lined pipes are used in energy pipeline applications (oil, gas, etc.); a corrosion-resistant thin-walled liner is fitted inside a carbon-steel outer pipe. The paper focuses on wrinkling of lined pipes (sometimes also ...