Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • AMPA receptor GluA2 subunit defects are a cause of neurodevelopmental disorders 

      Salpietro V., Dixon C.L., Guo H., Bello O.D., Vandrovcova J., Efthymiou S., Maroofian R., Heimer G., Burglen L., Valence S., Torti E., Hacke M., Rankin J., Tariq H., Colin E., Procaccio V., Striano P., Mankad K., Lieb A., Chen S., Pisani L., Bettencourt C., Männikkö R., Manole A., Brusco A., Grosso E., Ferrero G.B., Armstrong-Moron J., Gueden S., Bar-Yosef O., Tzadok M., Monaghan K.G., Santiago-Sim T., Person R.E., Cho M.T., Willaert R., Yoo Y., Chae J.-H., Quan Y., Wu H., Wang T., Bernier R.A., Xia K., Blesson A., Jain M., Motazacker M.M., Jaeger B., Schneider A.L., Boysen K., Muir A.M., Myers C.T., Gavrilova R.H., Gunderson L., Schultz-Rogers L., Klee E.W., Dyment D., Osmond M., Parellada M., Llorente C., Gonzalez-Peñas J., Carracedo A., Van Haeringen A., Ruivenkamp C., Nava C., Heron D., Nardello R., Iacomino M., Minetti C., Skabar A., Fabretto A., Hanna M.G., Bugiardini E., Hostettler I., O’Callaghan B., Khan A., Cortese A., O’Connor E., Yau W.Y., Bourinaris T., Kaiyrzhanov R., Chelban V., Madej M., Diana M.C., Vari M.S., Pedemonte M., Bruno C., Balagura G., Scala M., Fiorillo C., Nobili L., Malintan N.T., Zanetti M.N., Krishnakumar S.S., Lignani G., Jepson J.E.C., Broda P., Baldassari S., Rossi P., Fruscione F., Madia F., Traverso M., De-Marco P., Pérez-Dueñas B., Munell F., Kriouile Y., El-Khorassani M., Karashova B., Avdjieva D., Kathom H., Tincheva R., Van-Maldergem L., Nachbauer W., Boesch S., Gagliano A., Amadori E., Goraya J.S., Sultan T., Kirmani S., Ibrahim S., Jan F., Mine J., Banu S., Veggiotti P., Zuccotti G.V., Ferrari M.D., Van Den Maagdenberg A.M.J., Verrotti A., Marseglia G.L., Savasta S., Soler M.A., Scuderi C., Borgione E., Chimenz R., Gitto E., Dipasquale V., Sallemi A., Fusco M., Cuppari C., Cutrupi M.C., Ruggieri M., Cama A., Capra V., Mencacci N.E., Boles R., Gupta N., Kabra M., Papacostas S., Zamba-Papanicolaou E., Dardiotis E., Maqbool S., Rana N., Atawneh O., Lim S.Y., Shaikh F., Koutsis G., Breza M., Coviello D.A., Dauvilliers Y.A., AlKhawaja I., AlKhawaja M., Al-Mutairi F., Stojkovic T., Ferrucci V., Zollo M., Alkuraya F.S., Kinali M., Sherifa H., Benrhouma H., Turki I.B.Y., Tazir M., Obeid M., Bakhtadze S., Saadi N.W., Zaki M.S., Triki C.C., Benfenati F., Gustincich S., Kara M., Belcastro V., Specchio N., Capovilla G., Karimiani E.G., Salih A.M., Okubadejo N.U., Ojo O.O., Oshinaike O.O., Oguntunde O., Wahab K., Bello A.H., Abubakar S., Obiabo Y., Nwazor E., Ekenze O., Williams U., Iyagba A., Taiwo L., Komolafe M., Senkevich K., Shashkin C., Zharkynbekova N., Koneyev K., Manizha G., Isrofilov M., Guliyeva U., Salayev K., Khachatryan S., Rossi S., Silvestri G., Haridy N., Ramenghi L.A., Xiromerisiou G., David E., Aguennouz M., Fidani L., Spanaki C., Tucci A., Raspall-Chaure M., Chez M., Tsai A., Fassi E., Shinawi M., Constantino J.N., De Zorzi R., Fortuna S., Kok F., Keren B., Bonneau D., Choi M., Benzeev B., Zara F., Mefford H.C., Scheffer I.E., Clayton-Smith J., Macaya A., Rothman J.E., Eichler E.E., Kullmann D.M., Houlden H., SYNAPS Study Group (2019)
      AMPA receptors (AMPARs) are tetrameric ligand-gated channels made up of combinations of GluA1-4 subunits encoded by GRIA1-4 genes. GluA2 has an especially important role because, following post-transcriptional editing at ...
    • The expression of myeloproliferative neoplasm-associated calreticulin variants depends on the functionality of er-associated degradation 

      Mansier O., Prouzet-Mauléon V., Jégou G., Barroso K., Pelizzari Raymundo D., Chauveau A., Pierre-Yves D., Lagarde V., Turcq B., Jean-Max P., Jean-François V., James C., Praloran V., Voutetakis K., Chatziioannou A., François-Xavier M., Chevet E., Lippert E. (2019)
      Background: Mutations in CALR observed in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) were recently shown to be pathogenic via their interaction with MPL and the subsequent activation of the Janus Kinase – Signal Transducer and ...
    • Functional characterization of the hGRαT556I causing Chrousos syndrome 

      Nicolaides N.C., Skyrla E., Vlachakis D., Psarra A.-M.G., Moutsatsou P., Sertedaki A., Kossida S., Charmandari E. (2016)
      Background: Chrousos syndrome is a rare pathologic condition characterized by generalized, partial resistance of target tissues to glucocorticoids and caused by inactivating mutations of the human glucocorticoid receptor ...
    • Healthspan improvement and anti-aggregation effects induced by a marine-derived structural proteasome activator 

      Vasilopoulou M.A., Gioran A., Theodoropoulou M., Koutsaviti A., Roussis V., Ioannou E., Chondrogianni N. (2022)
      Proteasome activation has been shown to promote cellular and organismal healthspan and to protect against aggregation-related conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). Various natural compounds have been described for ...
    • Integrins AV and B8 Gene Polymorphisms and Risk for Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Greek and Polish Populations 

      Dardiotis E., Siokas V., Zafeiridis T., Paterakis K., Tsivgoulis G., Dardioti M., Grigoriadis S., Simeonidou C., Deretzi G., Zintzaras E., Jagiella J., Hadjigeorgiou G.M. (2017)
      Α limited number of genetic variants have been linked to the development of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Ιntegrin AV and/or B8-deficient mice were found to develop ICH. The present candidate gene association study was ...
    • microTSS: Accurate microRNA transcription start site identification reveals a significant number of divergent pri-miRNAs 

      Georgakilas, G.; Vlachos, I. S.; Paraskevopoulou, M. D.; Yang, P.; Zhang, Y.; Economides, A. N.; Hatzigeorgiou, A. G. (2014)
      A large fraction of microRNAs (miRNAs) are derived from intergenic non-coding loci and the identification of their promoters remains 'elusive'. Here, we present microTSS, a machine-learning algorithm that provides highly ...
    • Pus1p-dependent tRNA Pseudouridinylation Becomes Essential When tRNA Biogenesis Is Compromised in Yeast 

      Großhans, H.; Lecointe, F.; Grosjean, H.; Hurt, E.; Simos, G. (2001)
      Yeast Pus1p catalyzes the formation of pseudouridine (ψ) at specific sites of several tRNAs, but its function is not essential for cell viability. We show here that Pus1p becomes essential when another tRNA: pseudouridine ...
    • Structural determinants of tissue tropism and in vivo pathogenicity for the parvovirus minute virus of mice 

      Kontou, M.; Govindasamy, L.; Nam, H. J.; Bryant, N.; Llamas-Saiz, A. L.; Foces-Foces, C.; Hernando, E.; Rubio, M. P.; McKenna, R.; Almendral, J. M.; Agbandje-McKenna, M. (2005)
      Two strains of the parvovirus minute virus of mice (MVM), the immunosuppressive (MVMi) and the prototype (MVMp) strains, display disparate in vitro tropism and in vivo pathogenicity. We report the crystal structures of ...