Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • COPD characteristics and socioeconomic burden in Hellenic correctional institutions 

      Bania E.G., Daniil Z., Hatzoglou C., Alexopoulos E.C., Mitsiki E., Gourgoulianis K.I. (2016)
      Background: The high prevalence of smoking (80%) in Greek correctional institutions is anticipated to result in high prevalence of COPD in such settings. Aim: The aim of the Greek obstructive luNg disease epidemiOlogy and ...
    • HPA axis responses to acute exercise differ in smokers and non-smokers 

      Georgakouli K., Manthou E., Georgoulias P., Ziaka A., Deli C.K., Draganidis D., Batrakoulis A., Papanikolaou K., Tsimeas P., Mastorakos G., Fatouros I.G., Koutedakis Y., Theodorakis Y., Jamurtas A.Z. (2021)
      Physical exercise has been proposed as an adjunct in addiction treatment, including tobacco cigarette smoking. The physiological and biochemical mechanisms that could be affected by physical exercise in smokers and that ...
    • Nicotine dependence and loss of autonomy among Greek adolescent smokers: A countrywide cross-sectional study 

      Soteriades S., Basagiannis A., Soteriades E.S., Barbouni A., Mouchtouri V., Rachiotis G., Hadjichristodoulou C. (2020)
      Nicotine dependence is one of the main reasons for the continuation of smoking among adolescents. Loss of autonomy (LOA) is a measure of dependence. This study is the first to investigate LOA and its determinants among ...