Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Genetic profiling and volatile oil content of oregano genotypes from greece 

      Papaioannou C., Stefanakis M.K., Batargias C., Kilias G., Anastasopoulos E., Katerinopoulos H.E., Papasotiropoulos V. (2020)
      Several oregano genotypes belonging to Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum (Link) Ietsw., O. onites L., and O. majorana L., Lamiaceae, from Greece, were genetically and chemically studied. Genetic analysis with microsatellite ...
    • Nanosystems for the encapsulation of natural products: The case of chitosan biopolymer as a matrix 

      Detsi A., Kavetsou E., Kostopoulou I., Pitterou I., Pontillo A.R.N., Tzani A., Christodoulou P., Siliachli A., Zoumpoulakis P. (2020)
      Chitosan is a cationic natural polysaccharide, which has emerged as an increasingly interesting biomaterialover the past few years. It constitutes a novel perspective in drug delivery systems and nanocarriers’ formulations ...