Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Examining Farmers’ Adoption Decisions towards Precision-Agricultural Practices in Greek Dairy Cattle Farms 

      Kleftodimos G., Kyrgiakos L.S., Kleisiari C., Tagarakis A.C., Bochtis D. (2022)
      Nowadays, the sustainability of Greek dairy cattle farms is questionable due to low competitiveness and high GHG emissions. In this context, the BIOCIRCULAR project, funded by the EYDE ETAK, developed a series of alternative ...
    • Smart energy for smart irrigation 

      Nasiakou A., Vavalis M., Zimeris D. (2016)
      This paper investigates the possibility of reducing the cost of irrigation by utilizing techniques, methods and practices that are common to the smart energy systems. A software platform that couples the smartness of the ...