Browsing by Subject "synergism"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Bioavailability and risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in garden edible vegetables and soils around a highly contaminated former mining area in Germany
(2017)Although soil contamination by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in Europe has a history of many centuries, related problems are often considered as having been dealt with due to the enforcement of tight legislations. ... -
Electronic traps for detection and population monitoring of adult fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)
(2018)During the last decades, the economic importance of tephritid fruit flies (FF) has increased worldwide because of recurrent invasions and expansions into new areas, and reduced control capabilities of current control ... -
A Fusarium solani endophyte vs fungicides: Compatibility in a Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici – tomato pathosystem
(2018)The potential of FsK, a non-pathogenic endophytic Fusarium solani strain, to be utilized as a biocontrol agent in combination with nine selected fungicides registered in tomato crops in Greece was evaluated. In vitro ... -
Strong synergistic activity and egg hatch inhibition by (E,E)-2,4-decadienal and (E)-2-decenal in Meloidogyne species
(2016)Recent research has been focused on the potential of plant natural products for the control of nematodes, but few studies are reported on synergistic interactions and egg hatch inhibition properties of botanicals. Herein, ... -
Supporting stakeholder analysis within iczm process in small and medium-sized mediterranean coastal cities with the use of Q-method
(2019)Stakeholder engagement is considered essential in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. In this context, detailed stakeholder analysis can provide a useful support for decision-making. Such an analysis can be particularly ...