Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • A genetic algorithm solution to the design of slat-type shading system 

      Tsangrassoulis, A.; Bourdakis, V.; Geros, V.; Santamouris, M. (2006)
      This article presents a technique for the design of slat-type blinds based on the their relative light intensity distribution under a uniform light source. The technique offers a new approach using a genetic algorithm in ...
    • Greenhouse evaporative cooling: Measurement and data analysis 

      Kittas, C.; Bartzanas, T.; Jaffrin, A. (2001)
      Temperature and humidity gradients were investigated during summer in a commercial greenhouse producing cut roses, equipped with a ventilated cooling-pad system and a half-shaded plastic roof In a steady regime, the cooling ...
    • Influence of whitening on greenhouse microclimate and crop energy partitioning 

      Baille, A.; Kittas, C.; Katsoulas, N. (2001)
      The influence of whitening a greenhouse roof on microclimate and canopy behaviour was studied during summer in a greenhouse located in the coastal area of eastern Greece. Measurements of microclimate variables, intercepted ...
    • Photosynthetic Acclimation of Sweet Pepper Plants to Screenhouse Conditions 

      Kitta, E.; Katsoulas, N.; Kandila, A.; Gonzalez-Real, M. M.; Bailie, A. (2014)
      Leaf gas exchange and photosynthetic light acclimation of sweet pepper leaves were investigated in a Mediterranean area (central Greece) in the open field and in three screenhouse nets differing in color, shading intensity ...
    • A review of light shelf designs for daylit environments 

      Kontadakis A., Tsangrassoulis A., Doulos L., Zerefos S. (2018)
      Light shelves have been discussed in numerous studies as suitable solutions for controlling daylight in side-lit spaces. It is a system that can be easily modified, offering a range of design solutions. It can be easily ...