Now showing items 1-20 of 38

    • 20-year trends of characteristics and outcomes of stroke patients with atrial fibrillation 

      Ntaios G., Sagris D., Gioulekas F., Galanis P., Pardali C., Vemmou A., Koroboki E., Papavasileiou V., Vassilopoulou S., Manios E., Makaritsis K., Spengos K., Mitsikostas D.-D., Milionis H., Vemmos K. (2018)
      Background: The accurate knowledge of secular trends in prevalence, characteristics and outcomes of patients with ischemic stroke and atrial fibrillation allows better projections into the future. Aim: We aimed to report ...
    • Age- A nd sex-specific analysis of patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source 

      Ntaios G., Lip G.Y.H., Vemmos K., Koroboki E., Manios E., Vemmou A., Rodríguez-Campello A., Cuadrado-Godia E., Roquer J., Arnao V., Caso V., Paciaroni M., DIez-Tejedor E., Fuentes B., Pérez Lucas J., Arauz A., Ameriso S.F., Pertierra L., Gómez-Schneider M., Hawkes M.A., Bandini F., Chavarria Cano B., Iglesias Mohedano A.M., Garciá Pastor A., Gil-Núñez A., Putaala J., Tatlisumak T., Barboza M.A., Athanasakis G., Gioulekas F., Makaritsis K., Papavasileiou V. (2017)
      Objective: To investigate whether the correlation of age and sex with the risk of recurrence and death seen in patients with previous ischemic stroke is also evident in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source ...
    • Anticoagulant selection in relation to the SAMe-TT2R2 score in patients with atrial fibrillation: The GLORIA-AF registry 

      Ntaios G., Huisman M.V., Diener H.-C., Halperin J.L., Teutsch C., Marler S., Gurusamy V.K., Thompson M., Lip G.Y.H., Olshansky B., Abban D.W., Abdul N., Abud A.M., Adams F., Addala S., Adragão P., Ageno W., Aggarwal R., Agosti S., Agostoni P., Aguilar F., Linares J.A., Aguinaga L., Ahmed J., Aiello A., Ainsworth P., Aiub J.R., Al-Dallow R., Alderson L., Aldrete Velasco J.A., Alexopoulos D., Manterola F.A., Aliyar P., Alonso D., Alves da Costa F.A., Amado J., Amara W., Amelot M., Amjadi N., Ammirati F., Andrade M., Andrawis N., Annoni G., Ansalone G., Ariani M.K., Arias J.C., Armero S., Arora C., Aslam M.S., Asselman M., Audouin P., Augenbraun C., Aydin S., Ayryanova I., Aziz E., Backes L.M., Badings E., Bagni E., Baker S.H., Bala R., Baldi A., Bando S., Banerjee S., Bank A., Esquivias G.B., Barr C., Bartlett M., Kes V.B., Baula G., Behrens S., Bell A., Benedetti R., Mazuecos J.B., Benhalima B., Bergler-Klein J., Berneau J.-B., Bernstein R.A., Berrospi P., Berti S., Berz A., Best E., Bettencourt P., Betzu R., Bhagwat R., Bhatta L., Biscione F., BISIGNANI G., Black T., Bloch M.J., Bloom S., Blumberg E., Bo M., Bøhmer E., Bollmann A., Bongiorni M.G., Boriani G., Boswijk D.J., Bott J., Bottacchi E., Kalan M.B., Bradman D., Brautigam D., Breton N., Brouwers P.J.A.M., Browne K., Cortada J.B., Bruni A., Brunschwig C., Buathier H., Buhl A., Bullinga J., Cabrera J.W., Caccavo A., Cai S., Caine S., Calò L., Calvi V., Sánchez M.C., Candeias R., Capuano V., Capucci A., Caputo R., Rizo T.C., Cardona F., Carlos da Costa Darrieux F., Duarte Vera Y.C., Carolei A., Carreño S., Carvalho P., Cary S., Casu G., Cavallini C., Cayla G., Celentano A., Cha T.-J., Cha K.S., Chae J.K., Chalamidas K., Challappa K., Chand S.P., Chandrashekar H., Chartier L., Chatterjee K., Chavez Ayala C.A., Cheema A., Cheema A., Chen L., Chen S.-A., Chen J.H., Chiang F.-T., Chiarella F., Chih-Chan L., Cho Y.K., Choi J.-I., Choi D.J., Chouinard G., Hoi-Fan Chow D., Chrysos D., Chumakova G., José Roberto Chuquiure Valenzuela E.J., Nica N.C., Cislowski D.J., Clay A., Clifford P., Cohen A., Cohen M., Cohen S., Colivicchi F., Collins R., Colonna P., Compton S., Connolly D., Conti A., Buenostro G.C., Coodley G., Cooper M., Coronel J., Corso G., Sales J.C., Cottin Y., Covalesky J., Cracan A., Crea F., Crean P., Crenshaw J., Cullen T., Darius H., Dary P., Dascotte O., Dauber I., Davalos V., Davies R., Davis G., Davy J.-M., Dayer M., De Biasio M., De Bonis S., De Caterina R., De Franceschi T., de Groot J.R., De Horta J., De La Briolle A., Topete G.D.L.P., Vicenzo de Paola A.A., de Souza W., de Veer A., De Wolf L., Decoulx E., Deepak S., Defaye P., Del-Carpio Munoz F., Brkljacic D.D., Deumite N.J., Di Legge S., Diemberger I., Dietz D., Dionísio P., Dong Q., Rossi dos Santos F., Dotcheva E., Doukky R., D'Souza A., Dubrey S., Ducrocq X., Dupljakov D., Duque M., Dutta D., Duvilla N., Duygun A., Dziewas R., Eaton C.B., Eaves W., Ebels-Tuinbeek L.A., Ehrlich C., Eichinger-Hasenauer S., Eisenberg S.J., El Jabali A., El Shahawy M., Hernandes M.E., Izal A.E., Evonich R., III, Evseeva O., Ezhov A., Fahmy R., Fang Q., Farsad R., Fauchier L., Favale S., Fayard M., Fedele J.L., Fedele F., Fedorishina O., Fera S.R., Gomes Ferreira L.G., Ferreira J., Ferri C., Ferrier A., Ferro H., Finsen A., First B., Fischer S., Fonseca C., Almeida L.F., Forman S., Frandsen B., French W., Friedman K., Friese A., Fruntelata A.G., Fujii S., Fumagalli S., Fundamenski M., Furukawa Y., Gabelmann M., Gabra N., Gadsbøll N., Galinier M., Gammelgaard A., Ganeshkumar P., Gans C., Quintana A.G., Gartenlaub O., Gaspardone A., Genz C., Georger F., Georges J.-L., Georgeson S., Giedrimas E., Gierba M., Ortega I.G., Gillespie E., Giniger A., Giudici M.C., Gkotsis A., Glotzer T.V., Gmehling J., Gniot J., Goethals P., Goldbarg S., Goldberg R., Goldmann B., Golitsyn S., Gómez S., Mesa J.G., Gonzalez V.B., Gonzalez Hermosillo J.A., González López V.M., Gorka H., Gornick C., Gorog D., Gottipaty V., Goube P., Goudevenos I., Graham B., Greer G.S., Gremmler U., Grena P.G., Grond M., Gronda E., Grönefeld G., Gu X., Torres Torres I.G., Guardigli G., Guevara C., Guignier A., Gulizia M., Gumbley M., Günther A., Ha A., Hahalis G., Hakas J., Hall C., Han B., Han S., Hargrove J., Hargroves D., Harris K.B., Haruna T., Hayek E., Healey J., Hearne S., Heffernan M., Heggelund G., Heijmeriks J.A., Hemels M., Hendriks I., Henein S., Her S.-H., Hermany P., Hernández Del Río J.E., Higashino Y., Hill M., Hisadome T., Hishida E., Hoffer E., Hoghton M., Hong K., Hong S.K., Horbach S., Horiuchi M., Hou Y., Hsing J., Huang C.-H., Huckins D., kathy Hughes, Huizinga A., Hulsman E.L., Hung K.-C., Hwang G.-S., Ikpoh M., Imberti D., Ince H., Indolfi C., Inoue S., Irles D., Iseki H., Israel C.N., Iteld B., Iyer V., Jackson-Voyzey E., Jaffrani N., Jäger F., James M., Jang S.-W., Jaramillo N., Jarmukli N., Jeanfreau R.J., Jenkins R.D., Sánchez C.J., Jimenez J., Jobe R., Joen-Jakobsen T., Jones N., Moura Jorge J.C., Jouve B., Jung B.C., Jung K.T., Jung W., Kachkovskiy M., Kafkala K., Kalinina L., Kallmünzer B., Kamali F., Kamo T., Kampus P., Kashou H., Kastrup A., Katsivas A., Kaufman E., Kawai K., Kawajiri K., Kazmierski J.F., Keeling P., Kerr Saraiva J.F., Ketova G., Khaira A.S., Khripun A., Kim D.-I., Kim Y.H., Kim N.H., Kim D.K., Kim J.S., Kim J.S., Kim K.S., Kim J.B., Kinova E., Klein A., Kmetzo J.J., Kneller G.L., Knezevic A., Angela Koh S.M., Koide S., Kollias A., Kooistra J.A., Koons J., Koschutnik M., Kostis W.J., Kovacic D., Kowalczyk J., Koziolova N., Kraft P., Kragten J.A., Krantz M., Krause L., Krenning B.J., Krikke F., Kromhout Z., Krysiak W., Kumar P., Kümler T., Kuniss M., Kuo J.-Y., Küppers A., Kurrelmeyer K., Kwak C.H., Laboulle B., Labovitz A., Lai W.T., Lam A., Lam Y.Y., Zanetti F.L., Landau C., Landini G., Figueiredo E.L., Larsen T., Lavandier K., LeBlanc J., Lee M.H., Lee C.-H., Lehman J., Leitão A., Lellouche N., Lelonek M., Lenarczyk R., Lenderink T., González S.L., Leong-Sit P., Leschke M., Ley N., Li Z., Li X., Li W., Li X., Lichy C., Lieber I., Limon Rodriguez R.H., Lin H., Liu F., Liu H., Esperon G.L., Navarro N.L., Lo E., Lokshyn S., López A., López-Sendón J.L., Lorga Filho A.M., Lorraine R.S., Luengas C.A., Luke R., Luo M., Lupovitch S., Lyrer P., Ma C., Ma G., Madariaga I., Maeno K., Magnin D., Maid G., Mainigi S.K., Makaritsis K., Malhotra R., Manning R., Manolis A., Manrique Hurtado H.A., Mantas I., Jattin F.M., Maqueda V., Marchionni N., Ortuno F.M., Santana A.M., Martinez J., Maskova P., Hernandez N.M., Matsuda K., Maurer T., Mauro C., May E., Mayer N., McClure J., McCormack T., McGarity W., McIntyre H., McLaurin B., Medina Palomino F.A., Melandri F., Meno H., Menzies D., Mercader M., Meyer C., Meyer B.J., Miarka J., Mibach F., Michalski D., Michel P., Chreih R.M., Mikdadi G., Mikus M., Milicic D., Militaru C., Minaie S., Minescu B., Mintale I., Mirault T., Mirro M.J., Mistry D., Miu N.V., Miyamoto N., Moccetti T., Mohammed A., Nor A.M., Mollerus M., Molon G., Mondillo S., Moniz P., Mont L., Montagud V., Montaña O., Monti C., Moretti L., Mori K., Moriarty A., Morka J., Moschini L., Moschos N., Mügge A., Mulhearn T.J., Muresan C., Muriago M., Musial W., Musser C.W., Musumeci F., Nageh T., Nakagawa H., Nakamura Y., Nakayama T., Nam G.-B., Nanna M., Natarajan I., Nayak H.M., Naydenov S., Nazli J., Nechita A.C., Nechvatal L., Negron S.A., Neiman J., Neuenschwander F.C., Neves D., Neykova A., Miguel R.N., Nijmeh G., Nizov A., Campos R.N., Nossan J., Novikova T., Nowalany-Kozielska E., Nsah E., Nunez Fragoso J.C., Nurgalieva S., Nuyens D., Nyvad O., Odin de Los Rios Ibarra M., O'Donnell P., O'Donnell M., Oh S., Oh Y.S., Oh D., O'Hara G., Oikonomou K., Olivares C., Oliver R., Ruiz R.O., Olympios C., Anna omaszuk-Kazberuk, Asensi J.O., eena Padayattil jose, Padilla Padilla F.G., Rios V.P., Pajes G., Pandey A.S., Paparella G., Paris F., Park H.W., Park J.S., Parthenakis F., Passamonti E., Patel R.J., Patel J., Patel M., Patrick J., Jimenez R.P., Paz A., Pengo V., Pentz W., Pérez B., Pérez Ríos A.M., Pérez-Cabezas A., Perlman R., Persic V., Perticone F., Peters T.K., Petkar S., Pezo L.F., Pflücke C., Pham D.N., Phillips R.T., Phlaum S., Pieters D., Pineau J., Pinter A., Pinto F., Pisters R., Pivac N., Pocanic D., Podoleanu C., Politano A., Poljakovic Z., Pollock S., Garcéa J.P., Poppert H., Porcu M., Reino A.P., Prasad N., Précoma D.B., Prelle A., Prodafikas J., Protasov K., Pye M., Qiu Z., Quedillac J.-M., Raev D., Raffo Grado C.A., Rahimi S., Raisaro A., Rama B., Ramos R., Ranieri M., Raposo N., Rashba E., Rauch-Kroehnert U., Reddy R., Renda G., Reza S., Ria L., Richter D., Rickli H., Rieker W., Vera T.R., Ritt L.E., Roberts D., Briones I.R., Rodriguez Escudero A.E., Pascual C.R., Roman M., Romeo F., Ronner E., Roux J.-F., Rozkova N., Rubacek M., Rubalcava F., Russo A.M., Rutgers M.P., Rybak K., Said S., Sakamoto T., Salacata A., Salem A., Bodes R.S., Saltzman M.A., Salvioni A., Vallejo G.S., Fernández M.S., Saporito W.F., Sarikonda K., Sasaoka T., Sati H., Savelieva I., Scala P.-J., Schellinger P., Scherr C., Schmitz L., Schmitz K.-H., Schmitz B., Schnabel T., Schnupp S., Schoeniger P., Schön N., Schwimmbeck P., Seamark C., Searles G., Seidl K.-H., Seidman B., Sek J., Sekaran L., SERRATI C., Shah N., Shah V., Shah A., Shah S., Sharma V.K., Shaw L., Sheikh K.H., Shimizu N., Shimomura H., Shin D.-G., Shin E.-S., Shite J., Sibilio G., Silver F., Sime I., Simmers T.A., Singh N., Siostrzonek P., Smadja D., Smith D.W., Snitman M., Filho D.S., Soda H., Sofley C., Sokal A., Oi Yan Y.S., Sotolongo R., Ferreira de Souza O., Sparby J.A., Spinar J., Sprigings D., Spyropoulos A.C., Stakos D., Steinwender C., Stergiou G., Stiell I., Stoddard M., Stoikov A., Streb W., Styliadis I., Su G., Su X., Sudnik W., Sukles K., Sun X., Swart H., Szavits-Nossan J., Taggeselle J., Takagi Y., Singh Takhar A.P., Tamm A., Tanaka K., Tanawuttiwat T., Tang S., Tang A., Tarsi G., Tassinari T., Tayal A., Tayebjee M., Berg J.M.T., Tesloianu D., The S.H.K., Thomas D., Timsit S., Tobaru T., Tomasik A.R., Torosoff M., Touze E., Trendafilova E., Tsai W.K., Tse H.F., Tsutsui H., Tu T.M., Tuininga Y., Turakhia M., Turk S., Tcurner W., Tveit A., Tytus R., Valadão C., van Bergen P.F.M.M., van de Borne P., van den Berg B.J., van der Zwaan C., Van Eck M., Vanacker P., Vasilev D., Vasilikos V., Vasilyev M., Veerareddy S., Miño M.V., Venkataraman A., Verdecchia P., Versaci F., Vester E.G., Vial H., Victory J., Villamil A., Vincent M., Vlastaris A., Dahl J.V., Vora K., Vranian R.B., Wakefield P., Wang N., Wang M., Wang X., Wang F., Wang T., Warner A.L., Watanabe K., Wei J., Weimar C., Weiner S., Weinrich R., Wen M.-S., Wiemer M., Wiggers P., Wilke A., Williams D., Williams M.L., Witzenbichler B., Wong B., Lawrence Wong K.S., Wozakowska-Kaplon B., Wu S., Wu R.C., Wunderlich S., Wyatt N., Wylie J.J., Xu Y., Xu X., Yamanoue H., Yamashita T., Bryan Yan P.Y., Yang T., Yao J., Yeh K.-H., Yin W.H., Yotov Y., Zahn R., Zarich S., Zenin S., Zeuthen E.L., Zhang H., Zhang D., Zhang X., Zhang P., Zhang J., Zhao S.P., Zhao Y., Zhao Z., Zheng Y., Zhou J., Zimmermann S., Zini A., Zizzo S., Zong W., Zukerman L.S., the GLORIA-AF Investigators (2021)
      Aim: The SAMe-TT2R2 score helps identify patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) likely to have poor anticoagulation control during anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) and those with scores >2 might be better ...
    • Ceftazidime/avibactam in the era of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae: Experience from a national registry study 

      Karaiskos I.,, Daikos G.L., Gkoufa A., Adamis G., Stefos A., Symbardi S., Chrysos G., Filiou E., Basoulis D., Mouloudi E., Galani L., Akinosoglou K., Arvaniti K., Masgala A., Petraki M., Papadimitriou E., Galani I., Poulakou G., Routsi C., Giamarellou H. (2021)
      Background: Infections caused by KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp) are associated with high mortality. Therefore, new treatment options are urgently required. Objectives: To assess the outcomes and predictors of ...
    • Characteristics and Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 and Acute Ischemic Stroke: The Global COVID-19 Stroke Registry 

      Ntaios G., Michel P., Georgiopoulos G., Guo Y., Li W., Xiong J., Calleja P., Ostos F., González-Ortega G., Fuentes B., Alonso De Leciñana M., Díez-Tejedor E., García-Madrona S., Masjuan J., Defelipe A., Turc G., Gonçalves B., Domigo V., Dan G.-A., Vezeteu R., Christensen H., Christensen L.M., Meden P., Hajdarevic L., Rodriguez-Lopez A., Díaz-Otero F., García-Pastor A., Gil-Nuñez A., Maslias E., Strambo D., Werring D.J., Chandratheva A., Benjamin L., Simister R., Perry R., Beyrouti R., Jabbour P., Sweid A., Tjoumakaris S., Cuadrado-Godia E., Campello A.R., Roquer J., Moreira T., Mazya M.V., Bandini F., Matz K., Iversen H.K., González-Duarte A., Tiu C., Ferrari J., Vosko M.R., Salzer H.J.F., Lamprecht B., Dünser M.W., Cereda C.W., Quintero Á.B.C., Korompoki E., Soriano-Navarro E., Soto-Ramírez L.E., Castañeda-Méndez P.F., Bay-Sansores D., Arauz A., Cano-Nigenda V., Kristoffersen E.S., Tiainen M., Strbian D., Putaala J., Lip G.Y.H. (2020)
      Recent case-series of small size implied a pathophysiological association between coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and severe large-vessel acute ischemic stroke. Given that severe strokes are typically associated with ...
    • Characteristics of Long-Term Survival in Patients With Myelodysplastic Syndrome Treated With 5-Azacyditine: Results From the Hellenic 5-Azacytidine Registry 

      Diamantopoulos P.T., Pappa V., Symeonidis A., Kotsianidis I., Galanopoulos A., Papadaki H., Anagnostopoulos A., Vassilopoulos G., Zikos P., Hatzimichael E., Papaioannou M., Megalakaki A., Kotsopoulou M., Repousis P., Dimou M., Solomou E., Pontikoglou C., Kyriakakis G., Tsokanas D., Papoutselis M.-K., Papageorgiou S., Kourakli A., Panayiotidis P., Viniou N.-A. (2020)
      Background: Hypomethylating agents have altered the prognosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) so that long-term survival is now a feasible treatment goal. Patients and Methods: We analyzed data from patients with MDS ...
    • Children with psoriasis and COVID-19: factors associated with an unfavourable COVID-19 course, and the impact of infection on disease progression (Chi-PsoCov registry) 

      Zitouni J., Bursztejn A.-C., Belloni Fortina A., Beauchet A., Di Lernia V., Lesiak A., Thomas J., Topkarci Z., Murashkin N., Brzezinski P., Torres T., Chiriac A., Luca C., McPherson T., Akinde M., Maruani A., Epishev R., Vidaurri de la Cruz H., Luna P.C., Amy de la Bretêque M., Lasek A., Bourrat E., Bachelerie M., Mallet S., Steff M., Bellissen A., Neri I., Zafiriou E., van den Reek J.M.P.A., Sonkoly E., Mahil S.K., Smith C.H., Flohr C., Bachelez H., Mahé E., the Groupe de Recherche sur le Psoriasis (GrPso) of the Societe Francaise de Dermatologie, the Groupe de recherche de la Societe Francaise de Dermatologie Pediatrique (GR SFDP), the PsoProtect study group, the British Society of Paediatric Dermatology (BPSD), and the Societa Italiana di Dermatologia Pediatrica (S.I.Der.P.) (2022)
      Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has raised questions regarding the management of chronic skin diseases, especially in patients on systemic treatments. Data concerning the use of biologics in adults with psoriasis are ...
    • Clinical and virological heterogeneity of hepatitis delta in different regions world-wide: The Hepatitis Delta International Network (HDIN) 

      Wranke A., Pinheiro Borzacov L.M., Parana R., Lobato C., Hamid S., Ceausu E., Dalekos G.N., Rizzetto M., Turcanu A., Niro G.A., Lubna F., Abbas M., Ingiliz P., Buti M., Ferenci P., Vanwolleghem T., Hayden T., Dashdorj N., Motoc A., Cornberg M., Abbas Z., Yurdaydin C., Manns M.P., Wedemeyer H., Hardtke S., Serrano B., Wöbse M., Heidrich B., Muche M., Gatselis N., Zachou K., Ho E., Smedile A., Fontana R., Gish R., Obretin D., Stern R., the Hepatitis Delta International Network (2018)
      Background & Aims: Chronic hepatitis D (delta) is a major global health burden. Clinical and virological characteristics of patients with hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection and treatment approaches in different regions ...
    • Comment on: Single-stage conversions from failed gastric band to sleeve gastrectomy versus Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a closer look 

      Magouliotis D.E., Tasiopoulou V.S., Zacharoulis D. (2018)
      [No abstract available]
    • Comparison of Risk Scores for the Prediction of the Overall Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Ischemic Stroke: The Athens Stroke Registry 

      Georgiopoulos G., Ntaios G., Stamatelopoulos K., Manios E., Korompoki E., Vemmou E., Milionis H., Masi S., Lip G.Y.H., Vemmos K. (2019)
      Background: Stratification of overall vascular risk in patients with ischemic stroke is important as it may guide management decisions. Currently available schemes have only modest prognostic accuracy. The TRA2°P score ...
    • COVID-19 among children with cancer in Greece (2020): Results from the Nationwide Registry of Childhood Hematological Malignancies and Solid Tumors (NARECHEM-ST) 

      Baka M., Michos A., Alexopoulou A., Bouka P., Bouka E., Dana E., Dimitriou G., Doganis, Grivea I., Ioannidou M., Kourti M., Magkou E., Makis A., Malama A., Mantadakis E., Markozannes G., Mitsios A., Moschovi M., Papadakis V., Panagopoulou P., Papakonstantinou E., Papadopoulos S., Polychronopoulou S., Themistocleous M., Tzotzola V., Ntzani E., Petridou E.T. (2021)
      [No abstract available]
    • Creation and implementation of a European registry for patients with McArdle disease and other muscle glycogenoses (EUROMAC registry) 

      Pinós T., Andreu A.L., Bruno C., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Haller R.G., Laforêt P., Lucía A., Martín M.A., Martinuzzi A., Navarro C., Oflazer P., Pouget J., Quinlivan R., Sacconi S., Scalco R.S., Toscano A., Vissing J., Vorgerd M., Wakelin A., Martí R., Baruch N., Ortega F.J., San-Millán B., Vieitez I., Vavla M., Musumeci O., Scalco R., Hadjgeorgiou G., Zintzaras E., Zülow E., Haller R., Durmus H., Santalla A., EUROMAC Consortium (2020)
      Background: International patient registries are of particular importance for rare disorders, as they may contribute to overcome the lack of knowledge derived from low number of patients and limited awareness of these ...
    • Daptomycin for the treatment of osteomyelitis and orthopaedic device infections: real-world clinical experience from a European registry 

      Malizos K., Sarma J., Seaton R.A., Militz M., Menichetti F., Riccio G., Gaudias J., Trostmann U., Pathan R., Hamed K. (2016)
      Osteomyelitis is a serious infection predominantly caused by Gram-positive bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Orthopaedic device-related infections are complex and require a careful ...
    • The effect of 5-azacytidine treatment delays and dose reductions on the prognosis of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome: how to optimize treatment results and outcomes 

      Diamantopoulos P.T., Symeonidis A., Pappa V., Kotsianidis I., Galanopoulos A., Pontikoglou C., Anagnostopoulos A., Vassilopoulos G., Zikos P., Hatzimichael E., Papaioannou M., Megalakaki A., Repousis P., Kotsopoulou M., Dimou M., Solomou E., Dryllis G., Tsokanas D., Papoutselis M.-K., Papageorgiou S., Kyrtshonis M.-C., Kourakli A., Papadaki H., Panayiotidis P., Viniou N.-A. (2021)
      The regimen of 5-azacytidine for patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) has remained unchanged since its first approval. Although several modifications have since been made and delays and dose reductions are common ...
    • Effect of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis on FEV 1 in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis: A European Cystic Fibrosis Society Patient Registry analysis 

      Kaditis A.G., Miligkos M., Bossi A., Colombo C., Hatziagorou E., Kashirskaya N., De Monestrol I., Thomas M., Mei-Zahav M., Chrousos G., Zolin A. (2017)
      Objective To evaluate the effect of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) on FEV 1 percent predicted in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Design Longitudinal data analysis (2008-2010). Setting Patients ...
    • Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source and Detection of Atrial Fibrillation on Follow-Up: How Much Causality Is There? 

      Ntaios G., Papavasileiou V., Lip G.Y.H., Milionis H., Makaritsis K., Vemmou A., Koroboki E., Manios E., Spengos K., Michel P., Vemmos K. (2016)
      Background There is increasing debate whether atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes during follow-up in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) are causally associated with the event. AF-related strokes are ...
    • EndoVAscular treatment and ThRombolysis for Ischemic Stroke Patients (EVA-TRISP) registry: Basis and methodology of a pan-European prospective ischaemic stroke revascularisation treatment registry 

      Nordanstig A., Curtze S., Gensicke H., Zinkstok S.M., Erdur H., Karlsson C., Karlsson J.-E., Martinez-Majander N., Sibolt G., Lyrer P., Traenka C., Baharoglu M.I., Scheitz J.F., Bricout N., Hénon H., Leys D., Eskandari A., Michel P., Hametner C., Ringleb P.A., Arnold M., Fischer U., Sarikaya H., Seiffge D.J., Pezzini A., Zini A., Padjen V., Jovanovic D.R., Luft A., Wegener S., Kellert L., Feil K., Kägi G., Rentzos A., Lappalainen K., Leker R.R., Cohen J.E., Gomori J., Brehm A., Liman J., Psychogios M., Kastrup A., Papanagiotou P., Gralla J., Magoni M., Majoie C.B.L.M., Bohner G., Vukasinovic I., Cvetic V., Weber J., Kulcsar Z., Bendszus M., Möhlenbruch M., Ntaios G., Kapsalaki E., Jood K., Nolte C.H., Nederkoorn P.J.J., Engelter S., Strbian D., Tatlisumak T. (2021)
      Purpose The Thrombolysis in Ischemic Stroke Patients (TRISP) collaboration was a concerted effort initiated in 2010 with the purpose to address relevant research questions about the effectiveness and safety of intravenous ...
    • Evaluation of Effectiveness and Safety of High-Dose Daptomycin: Results from Patients Included in the European Cubicin® Outcomes Registry and Experience 

      Seaton R.A., Menichetti F., Dalekos G., Beiras-Fernandez A., Nacinovich F., Pathan R., Hamed K. (2015)
      Introduction: Daptomycin, a rapid concentration-dependent bactericidal antibiotic, is approved at a dose of 4 mg/kg/day for the treatment of complicated skin and soft tissue infections (cSSTI) and at a dose of 6 mg/kg/day ...
    • External Validation of the PREMISE Score in the Athens Stroke Registry 

      Ntaios G., Georgiopoulos G., Koroboki E., Vemmos K. (2019)
      Background: A simple score was proposed recently for Predicting Early Mortality from Ischemic Stroke (PREMISE) derived from the Austrian Stroke Unit Registry. This score could be useful in clinical practice and research. ...
    • External Validation of the Prestroke Independence, Sex, Age, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (ISAN) Score for Predicting Stroke-Associated Pneumonia in the Athens Stroke Registry 

      Papavasileiou V., Milionis H., Smith C.J., Makaritsis K., Bray B.D., Michel P., Manios E., Vemmos K., Ntaios G. (2015)
      Background and purpose The Prestroke Independence, Sex, Age, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (ISAN) score was developed recently for predicting stroke-associated pneumonia (SAP), one of the most common complications ...