Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • The associations between dairy product consumption and biomarkers of inflammation, adipocytokines, and oxidative stress in children: A cross-sectional study 

      Aslam H., Jacka F.N., Marx W., Karatzi K., Mavrogianni C., Karaglani E., Mohebbi M., Pasco J.A., O’neil A., Berk M., Nomikos T., Kanellakis S., Androutsos O., Manios Y., Moschonis G. (2020)
      The association between dairy product consumption and biomarkers of inflammation, adipocytokines, and oxidative stress is poorly studied in children. Therefore, these associations were examined in a representative subsample ...
    • Breastfeeding and overweight in european preschoolers: The toybox study 

      Usheva N., Lateva M., Galcheva S., Koletzko B.V., Cardon G., De Craemer M., Androutsos O., Kotowska A., Socha P., Moreno L.A., Manios Y., Iotova V., ToyBox-Study Group (2021)
      The benefits of breastfeeding (BF) include risk reduction of later overweight and obesity. We aimed to analyse the association between breastfeeding practices and overweight/obesity among preschool children participating ...
    • Complementary feeding and overweight in european preschoolers: The toybox-study 

      Usheva N., Galcheva S., Cardon G., De Craemer M., Androutsos O., Kotowska A., Socha P., Koletzko B.V., Moreno L.A., Iotova V., Manios Y., the ToyBox-study Group (2021)
      Complementary feeding (CF) should start between 4–6 months of age to ensure infants’ growth but is also linked to childhood obesity. This study aimed to investigate the association of the timing of CF, breastfeeding and ...
    • Curriculum issues and benefits in supportive co-taught classes for students with intellectual disabilities 

      Strogilos, V.; Tragoulia, E.; Kaila, M. (2015)
      Objectives: The aim of this qualitative study is to identify and evaluate the benefits of supportive co-teaching with regard to the access of students with intellectual disabilities (ID) to the general education curriculum ...
    • Effective strategies for childhood obesity prevention via school based, family involved interventions: A critical review for the development of the Feel4Diabetes-study school based component 

      Lambrinou C.-P., Androutsos O., Karaglani E., Cardon G., Huys N., Wikström K., Kivelä J., Ko W., Karuranga E., Tsochev K., Iotova V., Dimova R., De Miguel-Etayo P., Gonzalez-Gil E.Mª., Tamás H., Jancsó Z., Liatis S., Makrilakis K., Manios Y., Cardon G., Lindström J., Schwarz P., Makrilakis K., Annemans L., Garamendi I., Karatzi K., Androutsos O., Moschonis G., Kanellakis S., Mavrogianni C., Tsoutsoulopoulou K., Katsarou C., Karaglani E., Qira I., Skoufas E., Maragkopoulou K., Tsiafitsa A., Sotiropoulou I., Tsolakos M., Argyri E., Nikolaou M., Vampouli E.-A., Filippou C., Apergi K., Filippou A., Katerina G., Dimitriadis E., Lindström J., Laatikainen T., Wikström K., Hovi P., Kivelä J., Valve P., Levälahti E., Virtanen E., Cardon G., Van Stappen V., Huys N., Annemans L., Willems R., Shadid S., Schwarz P., Timpel P., Makrilakis K., Liatis S., Dafoulas G., Lambrinou C.-P., Giannopoulou A., Rabemananjara L., De Sabata M.S., Ko W., Garamendi I., Moreno L., Civeira F., Bueno G., De Miguel-Etayo P., Miguel-Berges M.L., Giménez-Legarre N., Flores-Barrantes P., Ayala-Marín A.M., Seral-Cortés M., Baila-Rueda L., Cenarro A., Jarauta E., Mateo-Gallego R., Tankova T., Usheva N., Tsochev K., Chakarova N., Galcheva S., Dimova R., Bocheva Y., Radkova Z., Marinova V., Bazdarska Y., Stefanova T., Rurik I., Ungvari T., Jancsó Z., Nánási A., Kolozsvári L., Semánova C., Bíró É., Antal E., Radó S., Martinez R., Tong M. (2020)
      Background: Although there are many interventions targeting childhood obesity prevention, only few have demonstrated positive results. The current review aimed to gather and evaluate available school-based intervention ...
    • Intrafamilial spread of hepatitis B virus infection in Greece 

      Zervou, E. K.; Gatselis, N. K.; Xanthi, E.; Ziciadis, K.; Georgiadou, S. P.; Dalekos, G. N. (2005)
      Objective: No study has investigated the intrafamilial spread of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Greece. We conducted a 9-year prospective study to determine the rate of HBV spread in family members when a member is identified ...
    • Physical activity and sedentary behaviors of young children: Trends from 2009 to 2018 

      Venetsanou F., Emmanouilidou K., Kouli O., Bebetsos E., Comoutos N., Kambas A. (2020)
      Over the last decade, the lives of children in several countries, including Greece, have been affected by recession. The aim of the present study was (a) to examine time trends in physical activity (PA) and screen time ...