Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Genetic sharing with cardiovascular disease risk factors and diabetes reveals novel bone mineral density loci 

      Reppe S., Wang Y., Thompson W.K., McEvoy L.K., Schork A.J., Zuber V., LeBlanc M., Bettella F., Mills I.G., Desikan R.S., Djurovic S., Gautvik K.M., Dale A.M., Andreassen O.A., Estrada K., Styrkarsdottir U., Evangelou E., Hsu Y.-H., Duncan E.L., Ntzani E.E., Oei L., Albagha O.M.E., Amin N., Kemp J.P., Koller D.L., Li G., Liu C.-T., Minster R.L., Moayyeri A., Vandenput L., Willner D., Xiao S.-M., Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Zheng H.-F., Alonso N., Eriksson J., Kammerer C.M., Kaptoge S.K., Leo P.J., Thorleifsson G., Wilson S.G., Wilson J.F., Aalto V., Alen M., Aragaki A.K., Aspelund T., Center J.R., Dailiana Z., Duggan D.J., Garcia M., Garcia-Giralt N., Giroux S., Hallmans G., Hocking L.J., Husted L.B., Jameson K.A., Khusainova R., Kim G.S., Kooperberg C., Koromila T., Kruk M., Laaksonen M., Lacroix A.Z., Lee S.H., Leung P.C., Lewis J.R., Masi L., Mencej-Bedrac S., Nguyen T.V., Nogues X., Patel M.S., Prezelj J., Rose L.M., Scollen S., Siggeirsdottir K., Smith A.V., Svensson O., Trompet S., Trummer O., Van Schoor N.M., Woo J., Zhu K., Balcells S., Brandi M.L., Buckley B.M., Cheng S., Christiansen C., Cooper C., Dedoussis G., Ford I., Frost M., Goltzman D., González-Macías J., Kähönen M., Karlsson M., Khusnutdinova E., Koh J.-M., Kollia P., Langdahl B.L., Leslie W.D., Lips P., Ljunggren Ö., Lorenc R.S., Marc J., Mellström D., Obermayer-Pietsch B., Olmos J.M., Pettersson-Kymmer U., Reid D.M., Riancho J.A., Ridker P.M., Rousseau F., Slagboom P.E., Tang N.L.S., Urreizti R., Van Hul W., Viikari J., Zarrabeitia M.T., Aulchenko Y.S., Castano-Betancourt M., Grundberg E., Herrera L., Ingvarsson T., Johannsdottir H., Kwan T., Li R., Luben R., Medina-Gómez C., Palsson S.Th., Rotter J.I., Sigurdsson G., Van Meurs J.B.J., Verlaan D., Williams F.M.K., Wood A.R., Zhou Y., Pastinen T., Raychaudhuri S., Cauley J.A., Chasman D.I., Clark G.R., Cummings S.R., Danoy P., Dennison E.M., Eastell R., Eisman J.A., Gudnason V., Hofman A., Jackson R.D., Jones G., Jukema J.W., Khaw K.-T., Lehtimäki T., Liu Y., Lorentzon M., McCloskey E., Mitchell B.D., Nandakumar K., Nicholson G.C., Oostra B.A., Peacock M., Pols H.A.P., Prince R.L., Raitakari O., Reid I.R., Robbins J., Sambrook P.N., Sham P.C., Shuldiner A.R., Tylavsky F.A., Van Duijn C.M., Wareham N.J., Cupples L.A., Econs M.J., Evans D.M., Harris T.B., Kung A.W.C., Psaty B.M., Reeve J., Spector T.D., Streeten E.A., Zillikens M.C., Thorsteinsdottir U., Ohlsson C., Karasik D., Richards J.B., Brown M.A., Stefansson K., Uitterlinden A.G., Ralston S.H., Ioannidis J.P.A., Kiel D.P., Rivadeneira F., GEFOS Consortium (2015)
      Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is a highly heritable trait, but genome-wide association studies have identified few genetic risk factors. Epidemiological studies suggest associations between BMD and several traits and diseases, ...
    • Human mesenchymal stem cells with enhanced telomerase activity acquire resistance against oxidative stress-induced genomic damage 

      Trachana V., Petrakis S., Fotiadis Z., Siska E.K., Balis V., Gonos E.S., Kaloyianni M., Koliakos G. (2017)
      Background Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are important tools for several cell-based therapies. However, their use in such therapies requires in vitro expansion during which MSCs quickly reach replicative senescence. ...
    • The role of marrow microenvironment in the growth and development of malignant plasma cells in multiple myeloma 

      Giannakoulas N., Ntanasis-Stathopoulos I., Terpos E. (2021)
      The development and effectiveness of novel therapies in multiple myeloma have been established in large clinical trials. However, multiple myeloma remains an incurable malignancy despite significant therapeutic advances. ...