Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • ERS International Congress 2021: highlights from the Thoracic Surgery and Lung Transplantation Assembly 

      Bos S., Ricciardi S., Caruana E.J., Öztürk N.A.A., Magouliotis D., Pompili C., Migliore M., Vos R., Meloni F., Elia S., Hellemons M. (2022)
      The thoracic surgery and lung transplantation assembly of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) is delighted to present the highlights from the 2021 ERS International Congress. We have selected four sessions that discussed ...
    • Passive smoking, asthma and allergy in children 

      Metsios, G. S.; Flouris, A. D.; Koutedakis, Y. (2009)
      Despite the recent campaigns to eliminate smoking and hinder the detrimental effects of passive smoking (PS), actual smoking rates still increase worldwide. Several physiological systems, with the respiratory being the ...