Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Complications Associated with Surgery for Thoracic Disc Herniation: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis 

      Brotis A.G., Tasiou A., Paterakis K., Tzerefos C., Fountas K.N. (2019)
      Background: A systematic review and network meta-analysis (Prospero ID CRD42018106936) were performed. Objective: The selection of the appropriate surgical approach for the management of thoracic disc herniation (TDH) is ...
    • Ketogenic therapy for Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and synthesis without meta-analysis of animal and human trials 

      Grammatikopoulou M.G., Tousinas G., Balodimou C., Anastasilakis D.A., Gkiouras K., Dardiotis E., Evangeliou A.E., Bogdanos D.P., Goulis D.G. (2022)
      Objective: The aim of the present systematic review was to assess the efficacy of ketogenic therapy in Parkinson's disease (PD), using all available data from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on humans and animal studies ...
    • Rare SLC13A1 variants associate with intervertebral disc disorder highlighting role of sulfate in disc pathology 

      Bjornsdottir G., Stefansdottir L., Thorleifsson G., Sulem P., Norland K., Ferkingstad E., Oddsson A., Zink F., Lund S.H., Nawaz M.S., Bragi Walters G., Skuladottir A.T., Gudjonsson S.A., Einarsson G., Halldorsson G.H., Bjarnadottir V., Sveinbjornsson G., Helgadottir A., Styrkarsdottir U., Gudmundsson L.J., Pedersen O.B., Hansen T.F., Werge T., Banasik K., Troelsen A., Skou S.T., Thørner L.W., Erikstrup C., Nielsen K.R., Mikkelsen S., Andersen S., Brunak S., Burgdorf K., Hjalgrim H., Jemec G., Jennum P., Johansson P.I., Nielsen K.R., Nyegaard M., Bruun M.T., Pedersen O.B., Dinh K.M., Sørensen E., Ostrowski S., Johansson P.I., Gudbjartsson D., Stefánsson H., Þorsteinsdóttir U., Larsen M.A.H., Didriksen M., Sækmose S., Zeggini E., Hatzikotoulas K., Southam L., Gilly A., Barysenka A., van Meurs J.B.J., Boer C.G., Uitterlinden A.G., Styrkársdóttir U., Stefánsdóttir L., Jonsson H., Ingvarsson T., Esko T., Mägi R., Teder-Laving M., Ikegawa S., Terao C., Takuwa H., Meulenbelt I., Coutinho de Almeida R., Kloppenburg M., Tuerlings M., Slagboom P.E., Nelissen R.R.G.H.H., Valdes A.M., Mangino M., Tsezou A., Zengini E., Alexiadis G., Babis G.C., Cheah K.S.E., Wu T.T., Samartzis D., Cheung J.P.Y., Sham P.C., Kraft P., Kang J.H., Hveem K., Zwart J.-A., Luetge A., Skogholt A.H., Johnsen M.B., Thomas L.F., Winsvold B., Gabrielsen M.E., Lee M.T.M., Zhang Y., Lietman S.A., Shivakumar M., Smith G.D., Tobias J.H., Hartley A., Gaunt T.R., Zheng J., Wilkinson J.M., Steinberg J., Morris A.P., Jonsdottir I., Bjornsson A., Olafsson I.H., Ulfarsson E., Blondal J., Vikingsson A., Brunak S., Ostrowski S.R., Ullum H., Thorsteinsdottir U., Stefansson H., Gudbjartsson D.F., Thorgeirsson T.E., Stefansson K., DBDS Genetic Consortium, GO Consortium (2022)
      Back pain is a common and debilitating disorder with largely unknown underlying biology. Here we report a genome-wide association study of back pain using diagnoses assigned in clinical practice; dorsalgia (119,100 cases, ...