Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Achilles, a new family of transcriptionally active retrotransposons from the olive fruit fly, with y chromosome preferential distribution 

      Tsoumani K.T., Drosopoulou E., Bourtzis K., Gariou-Papalexiou A., Mavragani-Tsipidou P., Zacharopoulou A., Mathiopoulos K.D. (2015)
      Sex chromosomes have many unusual features relative to autosomes. The in depth exploration of their structure will improve our understanding of their origin and divergence (degeneration) as well as the evolution of genetic ...
    • Anosmic flies: what Orco silencing does to olive fruit flies 

      Tsoumani K.T., Belavilas-Trovas A., Gregoriou M.-E., Mathiopoulos K.D. (2020)
      Background: The olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) is the most destructive pest of the olive cultivation worldwide causing significant production losses and olive fruit impoverishment, as its larvae feed exclusively on the ...
    • De novo assembly of the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) genome with linked-reads and long-read technologies minimizes gaps and provides exceptional y chromosome assembly 

      Bayega A., Djambazian H., Tsoumani K.T., Gregoriou M.-E., Sagri E., Drosopoulou E., Mavragani-Tsipidou P., Giorda K., Tsiamis G., Bourtzis K., Oikonomopoulos S., Dewar K., Church D.M., Papanicolaou A., Mathiopoulos K.D., Ragoussis J. (2020)
      Background: The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae, is the most important pest in the olive fruit agribusiness industry. This is because female flies lay their eggs in the unripe fruits and upon hatching the larvae feed on ...
    • The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species 

      Papanicolaou A., Schetelig M.F., Arensburger P., Atkinson P.W., Benoit J.B., Bourtzis K., Castañera P., Cavanaugh J.P., Chao H., Childers C., Curril I., Dinh H., Doddapaneni H.V., Dolan A., Dugan S., Friedrich M., Gasperi G., Geib S., Georgakilas G., Gibbs R.A., Giers S.D., Gomulski L.M., González-Guzmán M., Guillem-Amat A., Han Y., Hatzigeorgiou A.G., Hernández-Crespo P., Hughes D.S.T., Jones J.W., Karagkouni D., Koskinioti P., Lee S.L., Malacrida A.R., Manni M., Mathiopoulos K., Meccariello A., Murali S.C., Murphy T.D., Muzny D.M., Oberhofer G., Ortego F., Paraskevopoulou M.D., Poelchau M., Qu J., Reczko M., Robertson H.M., Rosendale A.J., Rosselot A.E., Saccone G., Salvemini M., Savini G., Schreiner P., Scolari F., Siciliano P., Sim S.B., Tsiamis G., Ureña E., Vlachos I.S., Werren J.H., Wimmer E.A., Worley K.C., Zacharopoulou A., Richards S., Handler A.M. (2016)
      Background: The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata, is a major destructive insect pest due to its broad host range, which includes hundreds of fruits and vegetables. It exhibits a unique ability to invade ...