Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Defining voiding dysfunction in women: Bladder outflow obstruction versus detrusor underactivity 

      Mytilekas K.-V., Oeconomou A., Sokolakis I., Kalaitzi M., Mouzakitis G., Nakopoulou E., Apostolidis A. (2021)
      Purpose: We aimed to develop urodynamic criteria to improve the accuracy of the diagnosis of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) and detrusor underactivity (DU) in women with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Methods: ...
    • Effect of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis on FEV 1 in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis: A European Cystic Fibrosis Society Patient Registry analysis 

      Kaditis A.G., Miligkos M., Bossi A., Colombo C., Hatziagorou E., Kashirskaya N., De Monestrol I., Thomas M., Mei-Zahav M., Chrousos G., Zolin A. (2017)
      Objective To evaluate the effect of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) on FEV 1 percent predicted in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Design Longitudinal data analysis (2008-2010). Setting Patients ...
    • Exploring the current status and key determinants of corporate disclosure on climate change: Evidence from the Greek business sector 

      Halkos G., Skouloudis A. (2016)
      An increasing number of large corporations around the world engage in accounting for and reporting on their plans and measures towards climate change mitigation, as part of their environmental responsibility agenda. Using ...
    • Recurrent Ischemic Stroke and Bleeding in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation Who Suffered an Acute Stroke While on Treatment With Nonvitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants: The RENO-EXTEND Study 

      Paciaroni M., Caso V., Agnelli G., Mosconi M.G., Giustozzi M., Seiffge D.J., Engelter S.T., Lyrer P., Polymeris A.A., Kriemler L., Zietz A., Putaala J., Strbian D., Tomppo L., Michel P., Strambo D., Salerno A., Remillard S., Buehrer M., Bavaud O., Vanacker P., Zuurbier S., Yperzeele L., Loos C.M.J., Cappellari M., Emiliani A., Zedde M., Abdul-Rahim A., Dawson J., Cronshaw R., Schirinzi E., Del Sette M., Stretz C., Kala N., Reznik M., Schomer A., Grory B.M., Jayaraman M., Mctaggart R., Yaghi S., Furie K.L., Masotti L., Grifoni E., Toni D., Risitano A., Falcou A., Petraglia L., Lotti E.M., Padroni M., Pavolucci L., Lochner P., Silvestrelli G., Ciccone A., Alberti A., Venti M., Traballi L., Urbini C., Kargiotis O., Rocco A., Diomedi M., Marcheselli S., Caliandro P., Zauli A., Reale G., Antonenko K., Rota E., Tassinari T., Saia V., Palmerini F., Aridon P., Arnao V., Monaco S., Cottone S., Baldi A., D'Amore C., Ageno W., Pegoraro S., Ntaios G., Sagris D., Giannopoulos S., Kosmidou M., Ntais E., Romoli M., Pantoni L., Rosa S., Bertora P., Chiti A., Canavero I., Saggese C.E., Plocco M., Giorli E., Palaiodimou L., Bakola E., Tsivgoulis G., Bandini F., Gasparro A., Terruso V., Mannino M., Pezzini A., Ornello R., Sacco S., Popovic N., Scoditti U., Genovese A., Denti L., Flomin Y., Mancuso M., Ferrari E., Caselli M.C., Ulivi L., Giannini N., De Marchis G.M. (2022)
      BACKGROUND: In patients with atrial fibrillation who suffered an ischemic stroke while on treatment with nonvitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants, rates and determinants of recurrent ischemic events and major bleedings ...