Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • The effect of injection volume on long-term outcomes of US-guided subacromial bursa injections 

      Klontzas M.E., Vassalou E.E., Zibis A.H., Karantanas A.H. (2020)
      Purpose: Limited data exist on the efficacy of high- compared to low-volume US-guided corticosteroid injections (CI) in the subacromial-subdeltoid (SA-SD) bursa. Our purpose was to compare the short- and long-term efficacy ...
    • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy under spinal anesthesia: A pilot study 

      Tzovaras, G.; Fafoulakis, F.; Pratsas, K.; Georgopoulou, S.; Stamatiou, G.; Hatzitheofilou, C. (2006)
      Background: Regional anesthesia has not been used as the sole anesthetic procedure other than in the scenario of a patient at high risk to undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy with CO2 pneumoperitoneum under general ...
    • Multimodal Analgesia in Spine Surgery: An Umbrella Review 

      Ntalouka M.P., Brotis A.G., Bareka M.V., Stertsou E.S., Fountas K.N., Arnaoutoglou E.M. (2021)
      Objective: In recent years, there has been a growing interest regarding the implementation of multimodal analgesia as an important component of the ideal perioperative patient management. The aim of the current umbrella ...
    • Transdiaphragmatic Gastrotomy for the Extraction of Distal Esophageal Foreign Bodies in 13 Dogs (1997–2016) 

      Delligianni A., Papazoglou L.G., Savvas I., Kazakos G., Patsikas M., Tsioli V., Chatzimisios K., Angellou V., Liakouras S., Rallis T. (2020)
      The records of 13 dogs with distal esophageal foreign body obstruction not amenable to endoscopic management that had transdiaphragmatic gastrotomy (TG) for the foreign body extraction were reviewed. West Highland white ...