Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • Association of antiviral therapy with reduced disease progression in chronic hepatitis b patients: Results from a nation-wide cohort study 

      Vourli G., Papatheodoridis G., Raptopoulou M., Dalekos G.N., Hounta A., Nikolopoulou G., Zouboulis-Vafeiadis I., Manesis E., Kitis G., Gogos C., Ketikoglou I., Hatzis G., Vasilialdis T., Karatapanis S., Mimidis K., Drakoulis C., Touloumi G., The Hepnet-Greece Study (2016)
      Background and Aims: Although effective treatment in terms of inducing virological and biochemical response for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is available, its effect on the clinical course of the disease has not yet been ...
    • Checkpoint modulation in chronic hepatitis B: From hypothesis to approval 

      Germanidis G., Hytiroglou P., Vassiliadis T., Speletas M. (2018)
      [No abstract available]
    • Clinical and virological heterogeneity of hepatitis delta in different regions world-wide: The Hepatitis Delta International Network (HDIN) 

      Wranke A., Pinheiro Borzacov L.M., Parana R., Lobato C., Hamid S., Ceausu E., Dalekos G.N., Rizzetto M., Turcanu A., Niro G.A., Lubna F., Abbas M., Ingiliz P., Buti M., Ferenci P., Vanwolleghem T., Hayden T., Dashdorj N., Motoc A., Cornberg M., Abbas Z., Yurdaydin C., Manns M.P., Wedemeyer H., Hardtke S., Serrano B., Wöbse M., Heidrich B., Muche M., Gatselis N., Zachou K., Ho E., Smedile A., Fontana R., Gish R., Obretin D., Stern R., the Hepatitis Delta International Network (2018)
      Background & Aims: Chronic hepatitis D (delta) is a major global health burden. Clinical and virological characteristics of patients with hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection and treatment approaches in different regions ...
    • Eight-year survival in chronic hepatitis B patients under long-term entecavir or tenofovir therapy is similar to the general population 

      Papatheodoridis G.V., Sypsa V., Dalekos G., Yurdaydin C., van Boemmel F., Buti M., Goulis J., Calleja J.L., Chi H., Manolakopoulos S., Loglio A., Siakavellas S., Gatselis N., Keskın O., Lehretz M., Savvidou S., de la Revilla J., Hansen B.E., Kourikou A., Vlachogiannakos I., Galanis K., Idilman R., Colombo M., Esteban R., Janssen H.L.A., Berg T., Lampertico P. (2018)
      Background & Aims: The effects of long-term antiviral therapy on survival have not been adequately assessed in chronic hepatitis B (CHB). In this 10-centre, ongoing cohort study, we evaluated the probability of survival ...
    • HBeAg-positive hepatitis delta: Virological patterns and clinical long-term outcome 

      Heidrich, B.; C. Serrano, B.; Idilman, R.; Kabaçam, G.; Bremer, B.; Raupach, R.; Önder, F. O.; Deterding, K.; Zacher, B. J.; Taranta, A.; Bozkaya, H.; Zachou, K.; Tillmann, H. L.; Bozdayi, A. M.; Manns, M. P.; Yurdaydin, C.; Wedemeyer, H. (2012)
      Background and Aims: The presence of the hepatitis B virus (HBV)-eAg in patients with hepatitis B is associated with higher HBV replication and with an increased risk to develop liver-related clinical endpoints defined as ...
    • Hepatocellular carcinoma risk in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients with or without cirrhosis treated with entecavir: HepNet.Greece cohort 

      Papatheodoridis, G. V.; Manolakopoulos, S.; Touloumi, G.; Nikolopoulou, G.; Raptopoulou-Gigi, M.; Gogos, C.; Vafiadis-Zouboulis, I.; Karamanolis, D.; Chouta, A.; Ilias, A.; Drakoulis, C.; Mimidis, K.; Ketikoglou, I.; Manesis, E.; Mela, M.; Hatzis, G.; Dalekos, G. N. (2015)
      Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) may still develop in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients treated with lamivudine. Whether HCC rates are comparable in patients treated with the current first-line antivirals remains uncertain. ...
    • Interleukin-6 inhibitors reduce mortality in coronavirus disease-2019: An individual patient data meta-analysis from randomized controlled trials 

      Tasoudis P.T., Arvaniti C.K., Adamou A.T., Belios I., Stone J.H., Horick N., Sagris D., Dalekos G.N., Ntaios G. (2022)
      Objective: To assess the efficacy of IL-6 inhibitors compared to standard of care (SOC) in COVID-19 patients. Data Sources: A systematic review of the MEDLINE and Scopus databases (last search: October 8th, 2021) was ...
    • Late HDV RNA relapse after peginterferon alpha-based therapy of chronic hepatitis delta 

      Heidrich, B.; Yurdaydin, C.; Kabaçam, G.; Ratsch, B. A.; Zachou, K.; Bremer, B.; Dalekos, G. N.; Erhardt, A.; Tabak, F.; Yalcin, K.; Gürel, S.; Zeuzem, S.; Cornberg, M.; Bock, C. T.; Manns, M. P.; Wedemeyer, H. (2014)
      Interferon alpha is the only treatment option for hepatitis delta virus (HDV). Trials investigating the efficacy of pegylated interferon alpha (PEG-IFNa) showed HDV RNA negativity rates of 25-30% 24 weeks after therapy. ...
    • PAGE-B predicts the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in Caucasians with chronic hepatitis B on 5-year antiviral therapy 

      Papatheodoridis G., Dalekos G., Sypsa V., Yurdaydin C., Buti M., Goulis J., Calleja J.L., Chi H., Manolakopoulos S., Mangia G., Gatselis N., Keskin O., Savvidou S., De La Revilla J., Hansen B.E., Vlachogiannakos I., Galanis K., Idilman R., Colombo M., Esteban R., Janssen H.L.A., Lampertico P. (2016)
      Background & Aims Risk scores for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) developed in Asians offer poor-moderate predictability in Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). This nine center cohort study aimed to develop ...
    • Relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and the incidence of ventilator-associated lower respiratory tract infections: a European multicenter cohort study 

      Rouzé A., Martin-Loeches I., Povoa P., Makris D., Artigas A., Bouchereau M., Lambiotte F., Metzelard M., Cuchet P., Boulle Geronimi C., Labruyere M., Tamion F., Nyunga M., Luyt C.-E., Labreuche J., Pouly O., Bardin J., Saade A., Asfar P., Baudel J.-L., Beurton A., Garot D., Ioannidou I., Kreitmann L., Llitjos J.-F., Magira E., Mégarbane B., Meguerditchian D., Moglia E., Mekontso-Dessap A., Reignier J., Turpin M., Pierre A., Plantefeve G., Vinsonneau C., Floch P.-E., Weiss N., Ceccato A., Torres A., Duhamel A., Nseir S., Favory R., Preau S., Jourdain M., Poissy J., Bouras C., Saint Leger P., Fodil H., Aptel F., Van Der Linden T., Thille A.W., Azoulay E., Pène F., Razazi K., Bagate F., Contou D., Voiriot G., Thevenin D., Guidet B., Le Guennec L., Kouatchet A., Ehrmann S., Brunin G., Morawiec E., Boyer A., Argaud L., Voicu S., Nieszkowska A., Kowalski B., Goma G., Diaz E., Morales L., Tsolaki V., Gtavriilidis G., Mentzelopoulos S.D., Nora D., Boyd S., Coelho L., Maizel J., Du Cheyron D., Imouloudene M., Quenot J.-P., Guilbert A., Cilloniz C., on behalf of the coVAPid study Group (2021)
      Purpose: Although patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection have several risk factors for ventilator-associated lower respiratory tract infections (VA-LRTI), the reported incidence of hospital-acquired infections is low. We aimed ...
    • The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma decreases after the first 5 years of entecavir or tenofovir in Caucasians with chronic hepatitis B 

      Papatheodoridis G.V., Idilman R., Dalekos G.N., Buti M., Chi H., van Boemmel F., Calleja J.L., Sypsa V., Goulis J., Manolakopoulos S., Loglio A., Siakavellas S., Keskın O., Gatselis N., Hansen B.E., Lehretz M., de la Revilla J., Savvidou S., Kourikou A., Vlachogiannakos I., Galanis K., Yurdaydin C., Berg T., Colombo M., Esteban R., Janssen H.L.A., Lampertico P. (2017)
      Whether there is a change of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incidence in chronic hepatitis B patients under long-term therapy with potent nucleos(t)ide analogues is currently unclear. We therefore assessed the HCC incidence ...
    • Significance of serum HBV RNA in non-cirrhotic HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients who discontinue effective antiviral therapy 

      Papatheodoridi M., Papachristou E., Moschidis Z., Hadziyannis E., Rigopoulou E., Zachou K., Villeret F., Magiorkinis G., Lyberopoulou A., Gatselis N., Vlachogiannakos I., Manolakopoulos S., Dalekos G.N., Zoulim F., Paraskevis D., Papatheodoridis G.V. (2022)
      HBV RNA is considered as a promising predictor in patients who discontinue nucleos(t)ide analogues (NAs). We determined HBV RNA levels in non-cirrhotic HBeAg-negative patients who discontinued NAs and assessed their ...
    • TGF-β signaling is activated in patients with chronic HBV infection and repressed by SMAD7 overexpression after successful antiviral treatment 

      Argentou N., Germanidis G., Hytiroglou P., Apostolou E., Vassiliadis T., Patsiaoura K., Sideras P., Germenis A.E., Speletas M. (2016)
      Objectives: Although animal studies demonstrated that Smad7 induction ameliorates TGF-β/SMAD-mediated fibrogenesis, its role in human hepatic diseases is rather obscure. Our study explored the activation status of TGF-β/activin ...
    • Treatment of chronic hepatitis C with direct-acting antivirals in patients with β-thalassaemia major and advanced liver disease 

      Sinakos E., Kountouras D., Koskinas J., Zachou K., Karatapanis S., Triantos C., Vassiliadis T., Goulis I., Kourakli A., Vlachaki E., Toli B., Tampaki M., Arvaniti P., Tsiaoussis G., Bellou A., Kattamis A., Maragkos K., Petropoulou F., Dalekos G.N., Akriviadis E., Papatheodoridis G.V. (2017)
      Interferon-based regimens for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) were often deferred in patients with β-thalasaemia major (β-TM) due to poor efficacy and tolerance. Current guidelines recommend direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for ...