Now showing items 1-20 of 31

    • Acute limb ischemia and anticoagulation in patients with history of atrial fibrillation 

      Spanos K., Athanasoulas A., Argyriou C., Vassilopoulos I., Giannoukas A.D. (2016)
      BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest source of arterial embolization causing acute limb ischemia (ALI). The aim of this study was to assess the adherence of anticoagulation in AF patients and the treatment ...
    • Association of neutrophil–lymphocyte and platelet–lymphocyte ratio with adverse events in endovascular repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm 

      Ntalouka M.P., Nana P., Kouvelos G.N., Stamoulis K., Spanos K., Giannoukas A., Matsagkas M., Arnaoutoglou E. (2021)
      The association of chronic inflammatory markers with the clinical outcome after endovas-cular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) was investigated. We in-cluded 230 patients, treated electively with ...
    • Ceftazidime-avibactam to treat life-threatening infections by carbapenem-resistant pathogens in critically ill mechanically ventilated patients 

      Tsolaki V., Mantzarlis K., Mpakalis A., Malli E., Tsimpoukas F., Tsirogianni A., Papagiannitsis C., Zygoulis P., Papadonta M.-E., Petinaki E., Makris D., Zakynthinos E. (2020)
      Data on the effectiveness of ceftazidime-avibactam (CAZ-AVI) in critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients are limited. The present retrospective observational cohort study, which was conducted in two general intensive ...
    • Cellular communication network 2 (connective tissue growth factor) aggravates acute DNA damage and subsequent DNA damage response-senescence-fibrosis following kidney ischemia reperfusion injury 

      Valentijn F.A., Knoppert S.N., Marquez-Exposito L., Rodrigues-Diez R.R., Pissas G., Tang J., Tejedor-Santamaria L., Broekhuizen R., Samarakoon R., Eleftheriadis T., Goldschmeding R., Nguyen T.Q., Ruiz-Ortega M., Falke L.L. (2022)
      Chronic allograft dysfunction with progressive fibrosis of unknown cause remains a major issue after kidney transplantation, characterized by ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). One hypothesis to account for this is that ...
    • Clinical effect of accessory renal artery coverage after endovascular repair of aneurysms in abdominal and thoracoabdominal aorta 

      Spanos K., Nana P., Brotis A.G., Kouvelos G., Behrendt C.-A., Tsilimparis N., Kölbel T., Matsagkas M., Giannoukas A. (2021)
      Background: The aim of our systematic review and meta-analysis was to assess the effect of accessory renal artery (ARA) coverage on renal function in terms of acute kidney injury (AKI), renal infarction, chronic renal ...
    • Clinical Experience with Daptomycin for the Treatment of Gram-positive Infections in Children and Adolescents 

      Syriopoulou V., Dailiana Z., Dmitriy N., Utili R., Pathan R., Hamed K. (2016)
      Background: This subgroup analysis of the European Cubicin Outcomes Registry Experience evaluated the safety and effectiveness of daptomycin in children and adolescent patients (<18 years). Methods: Clinical outcomes at ...
    • Contrast-induced nephropathy in an animal model: Evaluation of novel biomarkers in blood and tissue samples 

      Mamoulakis C., Fragkiadoulaki I., Karkala P., Georgiadis G., Zisis I.-E., Stivaktakis P., Kalogeraki A., Tsiaoussis I., Burykina T., Lazopoulos G., Tsarouhas K., Kouretas D., Tsatsakis A. (2019)
      Identification of novel biomarkers of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN)that may more accurately detect renal function changes; reflect kidney damage; assist monitoring; and elucidate pathophysiology attract considerable ...
    • Cytochrome c as a potentially clinical useful marker of mitochondrial and cellular damage 

      Eleftheriadis T., Pissas G., Liakopoulos V., Stefanidis I. (2016)
      Mitochondria are evolutionary endosymbionts derived from bacteria. Thus, they bear molecules, such as mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that contains CpG DNA repeats and N-formyl peptides (FPs), found in bacteria. Upon cell necrosis ...
    • Editor's Choice – Sex Specific Outcomes After Complex Fenestrated and Branched Endovascular Aortic Repair: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis 

      Nana P., Spanos K., Behrendt C.-A., Dakis K., Brotis A., Kouvelos G., Giannoukas A., Kölbel T. (2022)
      Objective: As females are at higher mortality risk after endovascular aortic repair, this study aimed to compare the 30-day and 12-month mortality, morbidity, and re-intervention rates between the sexes, treated with ...
    • The effect of endovascular aneurysm repair on renal function in patients treated for abdominal aortic aneurysm 

      Nana P., Kouvelos G., Brotis A., Spanos K., Giannoukas A., Matsagkas M. (2019)
      Aim: The effect of endovascular aneurysm repair in patients treated for abdominal aortic aneurysm has not been clearly defined. The objective of the present article was to provide a contemporary literature review and perform ...
    • Epidemiology and importance of renal dysfunction in heart failure patients 

      Giamouzis, G.; Kalogeropoulos, A. P.; Butler, J.; Karayannis, G.; Georgiopoulou, V. V.; Skoularigis, J.; Triposkiadis, F. (2013)
      Renal dysfunction (RD) is a frequent comorbid condition and a major determinant of outcomes in patients with heart failure (HF). It is likely that the etiology of RD in patients with HF is much more complex than we first ...
    • EPIdemiology of Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury (EPIS-AKI): Study protocol for a multicentre, observational trial 

      Weiss R., Saadat-Gilani K., Kerschke L., Wempe C., Meersch M., Zarbock A., Makhloufi H., Cherak A., Ghanem L.L., Gouaglia Z., Guadouri D.N., Hama F.N., Kara M., Saadi O., Sakhraoui R., Bourou F., Cherifi A., Sadaoui R.G., Ouyahia A., Ouahab I., Bouaoud S., Abdoun M., Tidjane A., Tabeti B., Boudjenan-Serradj N., Rivera C.J.P., Cabrer P., Corso J., García J.P., Idarraga S., Montoya C., Figueroa R., Aldana E., Torrado M.A., Peng K., Ma Z.-M., Yang Y.-F., Zhu Y.-J., Sklienka P., Frelich M., Jarkulis V., Sevcik P., Vodicka V., Elbahnasawy M.G., Elsalhawy S., Motawea S., Othman Z., Sahma M., Nafea A.M., Ahmed N., Attia D.A., Emara M.M., Bonna M.M., Gabr M.A., Tarbay A.I., Abdehaleem I.A., Mohamed E.E., Eldeeb A.M., Abbas A.M., Magdy J.A., Hamed Z.H., Osman H.M.E., Abbas M.S., Joannes-Boyau O., Barraud N., Berthelot C., Camus T., Dahmi A., Defaye M., Derville S., El-Boustani Y., Deloge E., Jacob H., Monziols S., Priem F., Robin J.-J., Legros V., Floch T., Muccio S., Geneve C., Legouge M.L., Mauny S.T., Mfam W., Pascot L., Aveline C., Chartier M., Duteurtre B., Gautier J.F., Cousin A.L., Vautier P., Nadaud J., Begel N., Chekirine C.-A., Derlon V., Grein E., Lehair M.-A., Magazzeni L., Magazzeni P., Potter C., Roth C., Voivret F., Rimmelé T., Cerro V., Suria S., Elmawieh J., Stoclin A., Cirenei C., Andrieu G., Couloumy S., Falcone J., Fajardy M., Gagneuil A., Girardet E., Mazereeuw A., Ponsonnard S., Egreteau P.-Y., Bertel M., Bocher S., Carn V., Guen L.L., Loup G.L., Lefevre M., Ichai C., Diop A., Jean-Michel V., Devlieger S., Duthoit J., El Kadiri M., Léger M., Cassisa V., Lasocki S., Masson C., Rineau E., Verrier P., Coquerel A., Montravers P., Atchade E., Rochon C.-E., Delerue C., Quentin V., Latry V., Queixalos N., Cottenceau V., Braun T., Bouzoubaa S., Christ B., Geiger A., Gomille J., Kieffer V., Mangeant S., Prochilo C., Schmitt C., Skwirba S., Grand H., Boury F., Mayeur N., Pasquie M., Garçon P., Bruckert V., Arnould V., Bonciu M., Chapelle T., Facchino L., Fagot-Gandet F., Iachim A., Mannu E., Perus O., Plattier R., Rozier R., Pradel G., Boudinaud M., Hausermann M.-H., Nguyen M.H., Ramorasata A., Barreau A., Boivin A.-H., Ravry C., Mottard N., Beuvelot J., Bossion F.P., Desebbe O., Zarbock A., Dörr C., von Groote T.C., Küllmar M., Massoth C., Meersch M., Saadat-Gilani K., Weiss R., Wempe C., Ziemann S., Grüßer L., Kowark A., Wittig P., Brandenburger T., Dimski T., Döhmen N., Huthmann L., Kaierle D., Pelletier C., Schleß M., Hohn A., Cleophas S., Haunhorst S., Jansen M., Schmitt A., Soisch J., Sturm K., Rosenberger P., Bendig A., Flohr L., Häberle H., Hofmann P., Kuhle J., Leser N.M., Pfister K., Prohaska S., Sennholz F., Stetz L., Weber K., Stehr S., Klaus S., Sadlo M., Boschin M., Sengelhoff C., Göbel U.M., Haaker J.G., Göttker C.-K., Gründel M., Heringlake M., Baumgärtel R., Berggren A., Gülzow M., Muras L., Paarmann H., Thal S., Bentley A., El-Masri D., Sebastiani A., Arnaoutoglou E., Ntalouka M., Stratigopoulou P., Analytis A., Mavrommatis E., Tzimas P., Karakosta A., Pantazi D., Dimakopoulou A., Dimitropoulou K., Ioannidis O., Jalaawiy H., Anwar A., Hashim H.T., Aldawoody H.I.R., Cortegiani A., Catalisano G., Ingoglia G., Ippolito M., De Rosa S., Cattin L., Bianchin A., Barone M., Paternoster G., Cutuli S.L., Russo A., Sollazzi L., Cascarano L., Antonelli M., Aceto P., Romanò B., Spadaro S., Tripodi V.F., Rossi M., Scappatura R., Vadalà M.C., Fiume D., Strano M.T., Oddo G., Santorsola C., Hussain B.A., Alnaser A.R., Ghassan A.H., Hasanein K., Theab M., Shin S., Jung S., Lee K., Jung S.M., Baek J., Elhadi M.K., Aldressi W.W.O., Abuzeid I., Albaraesi M., Aldressi S., Khalel W., Abdulwahed E., Abujrad A.A.A., Almaghrabi A., Alteleeb M., Alshareea E.A.A., Biala M.I., Deeknah A., Gheddim D.A., Ghmagh R., Ikhrays N.S.A.A., Sinan M., Soula E., Bahroun S.G., Derwish K., Mohamed A.M., Younes E.S., Al Islam Benjouira R., Aliwa M., Altashani N.A., Alteb M.O., Msherghi A., Alagelli F., Albarouni S., Albishti A., Aljamal S., Alsori M., Ekhuja T., Elzwai S., Ghula M., Mustafa T., Tuwaib A., Zriba H., Agilla H.M., Rafanomezantsoa T.A., Podesta A.M.C., Bonnici D.M., Pirotta T., López G.A.G., Mijovska M.M., Davitkovska T., Gavrilovska A., Lukikj S., Vesova M., Zafirova D., Amro S., Hajjaj B.N.F., Alkhazendar M., Barakat Y., Elejla S.A., Elhissi A., Khader A., Salem A., de Freitas Regufe R., de Oliveira Eloy A.F., Perdigão L.M.N.C., Grigoriev E., Ivkin A., Kornelyuk R., Yaroustovsky M., Abramyan M., Komardina E., Lesteva N., Aybazova M., Kumykova E., Lesina S., Rybakov G., Shestov A., Barmou A.A.A., Ahmed B.L.A., Eliyas A.M., Emadeldin Y., Kaserer A., Castellucci C., Rössler J., Akbas S., Petrun A.M., Gregorcic I., Sok V., Cicak R., Bárcena E., Guisado A., Wi I., Melchor J.R., Becerra-Bolaños Á., Cabrera-Doreste S., Domínguez-Arbelo A., Delgado-Alonso M.C., Muiño-Palomar V., Rodríguez-Pérez A., Estévez J.M., Munoz M.B.C., Matas J.M., Palao S.P., Quirós M.D.M., Teslev A.C., Argilaga M., Campos M., Bainac A., Batalla A., Alvarez M.G., Giné M., Herránz G., Hinojal I., Ejea M.L., de la Rosa Ruiz N., Abasolo M.G., Acuna C.R.H., Zaranton I.I., Mendigurenmurua A., Sanz M.J.M., de la Fuente E.O., Vaquero M.P.P., Iglesias A.S., Mieres A.U., Urrestizala A.U., Ferreira L., Lobato F., Sevilla M.A., Erazo A., Miró P., Sabaté S., Vernetta D., Perez A.A., Pagola M.A., Paulis B.C., del Val Peciña E., Odriozola A.G., Aizpurua A.L., Piquer O.P., Garcia P.P., Rezola P.O., Lopez A.O., de la Calle Gil I., Casado R.N., Adamove P., Domenge R.B., Blasco F.M.B., Villamizar A.A.R., Llaneras M.A.P., García-Sánchez J.I., Téllez L.F., Zamorano S.G., Herreros N.G., Esteve A.R., Rodríguez P.M., Trigo I.G., Alcaraz A., Jiménez A.L., Rubio I., García N., Callejas R., Toha A.M.C., Claros E., Cobeta P., Crespo P., Dorado T., Elías E., Felices J., Gil D., Gómez M., Mané N., Martín M., Martínez A., Pereira L., Samaranch A.B.N., Serrano A., Tiscar C., VillaHoz J., Menéndez P.G., Cardona E., Conesa A., Estepa V., Galán P., Espí L.L., Aldeán Y.L., Manrique S., Ariza V.M., Villa L.V., Suliman E.S.M.A., Hamid H., Ibrahim A.M., Saeed M.M., Mukadder O.S., Altun D., Canbolat N., Dinçer M.B., Seyhan T.Ö., Yildirim S.A., Iyigün M., Yapici D., Özdemir L., Sagun A., Boztug N., Cetintas Y., Dinc B., Gündüz E., Ünlügenç H., Tunay D.L., Karakaya D., Dost B., Komurcu O., Akcil E.F., Dilmen Ö.K., Tunali Y., Ok G., Alsina E.T., Hakli Ö., Polat C., Turgut N., Kizilcik N., Köner Ö., Sen Ö., Aydin N., Basaran B., Bingul E.S., Gürkan Y., Darcin K., Ugur S., Saracoglu K.T., Demir A., Aysegül Ö., Balci E., Girgin B., Guler A., Karadeniz Ü., Özaslan N., Hülya Y.Ö., Ozcan N., Postaci A., Sahap M., Salman N., Sagir Ö., Atik B., Bicakcioglu M., Demir H.F., Fatih U., Kocaoglu N., Toprak H.I., Aslan D.D., Colak Y.Z., Ozcan M.S., Yilmaz M., Karaca U., Sahin S.H., Karka Ö.E., Senoglu G.D., Karadag S.E., Alkis N., Baytas V., Akdogan A., Besir A., Erturk E., Kutanis D., Saylan S., Tugcugil E., Ayvat P., Günaydin B., Büyükgebiz B.M., Boran O.F., Calisir F., Orak Y., Balkan B.K., Büyükcoban S., Gökel E., Günenc S.F., Özbilgin S., Göre S., Akesen S., Cansabuncu S., Momot N., Panchenko A., Pittet J.-F., Rutledge K., the EPIS-AKI Investigators (2021)
      Introduction More than 300 million surgical procedures are performed each year. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication after major surgery and is associated with adverse short-term and long-term outcomes. ...
    • Evolution of epidemiological characteristics of infective endocarditis in Greece 

      Giannitsioti E., Pefanis A., Gogos C., Lekkou A., Dalekos G.N., Gatselis N., Georgiadou S., Nikou P., Vrettou A., Rigopoulos A., Tryfonopoulos C., Tsaganos T., Karofilakis E., Psarrakis C., Argyriou M., Gargalianos-Kakolyris P., Adamis G., Lourida P., Kofteridis D., Andrianaki A., Loupa C., Kostis E., Sinapidis D., Sympardi S., Alexiou N., Karaiskos I., Masgala A., Maltezos E., Panagopoulos P., Sachpekidis V., Evdoridis C., Sipsas N.V., Daikos G., Giamarellou H., Pontikis K., Lioris I., Lelekis M., Trikkas A., Aggouras D., Kolias V., Rokkas C., Nana-Anastasiou M., Miyakis S., On behalf of the Hellenic Society of Chemotherapy (2021)
      Objective: The clinical profile, management and outcome of infective endocarditis (IE) may be influenced by socioeconomic issues. Methods: A nationwide prospective study evaluated IE during the era of deep economic crisis ...
    • IL-33/ST2 axis in organ fibrosis 

      Kotsiou O.S., Gourgoulianis K.I., Zarogiannis S.G. (2018)
      Interleukin 33 (IL-33) is highly expressed in barrier sites, acting via the suppression of tumorigenicity 2 receptor (ST2). IL-33/ST2 axis has long been known to play a pivotal role in immunity and cell homeostasis by ...
    • Increased mortality among hypertensive COVID-19 patients: Pay a closer look on diuretics in mechanically ventilated patients 

      Tsolaki V., Zakynthinos G.E., Mantzarlis K., Makris D. (2020)
      [No abstract available]
    • Inhibition of Malate Dehydrogenase-2 Protects Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells from Anoxia-Reoxygenation-Induced Death or Senescence 

      Eleftheriadis T., Pissas G., Golfinopoulos S., Efthymiadi M., Liakopoulos V., Stefanidis I. (2022)
      Ischemia-reperfusion injury is the leading cause of acute kidney injury. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production causes cell death or senescence. In cultures of primary human renal tubular epithelial cells (RPTECs) subjected ...
    • Lack of synergistic nephrotoxicity between vancomycin and piperacillin/tazobactam in a rat model and a confirmatory cellular model 

      Pais G.M., Liu J., Avedissian S.N., Hiner D., Xanthos T., Chalkias A., D'Aloja E., Locci E., Gilchrist A., Prozialeck W.C., Rhodes N.J., Lodise T.P., Fitzgerald J.C., Downes K.J., Zuppa A.F., Scheetz M.H. (2020)
      Vancomycin and piperacillin/tazobactam are reported in clinical studies to increase acute kidney injury (AKI). However, no clinical study has demonstrated synergistic toxicity, only that serum creatinine increases. To ...
    • Molecular Mechanisms of Peritoneal Membrane Pathophysiology 

      Zarogiannis S.G., Schmitt C.P. (2022)
      [No abstract available]
    • Nephrotoxicity issues of organophosphates 

      Georgiadis G., Mavridis C., Belantis C., Zisis I.E., Skamagkas I., Fragkiadoulaki I., Heretis I., Tzortzis V., Psathakis K., Tsatsakis A., Mamoulakis C. (2018)
      Organophosphates are a large class of chemicals, initially invented in 1850 and since then they have been applied in numerous aspects of science to serve our purposes. Their mechanism of action in living organisms involves ...