Browsing by Subject "Water supply"
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
Analysis of microclimate and cucumber fruit yield in a screenhouse and an evaporatively cooled greenhouse in a semi-arid location
(2018)The microclimate and cucumber crop response in a screenhouse and in an evaporatively cooled greenhouse were studied in Oman during winter/spring and spring/summer cultivation periods. Measurements were carried out in two ... -
Antiflooding prevention, protection, strategic environmental planning of aquatic resources and water purification: The case of Thessalian basin, in Greece
(2010)In the E.U. following the old 5th Environmental Action Program (EAP) of 1994 and the new 6th EAP for the sustainable development in 2001, we confront the strategic management problem of aquatic resources at the regional ... -
A Comparison between Variable Deficit Irrigation and Farmers’ Irrigation Practices under Three Fertilization Levels in Cotton Yield (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Using Precision Agriculture, Remote Sensing, Soil Analyses, and Crop Growth Modeling
(2022)The major global challenge for the coming decades will be increasing crop production with less water consumption. Precision agriculture (PA) and variable deficit irrigation (VDI) are management strategies that help farmers ... -
Developing a methodology towards full water cost recovery in urban water pipe networks, based on the "user-pays" principle
(2014)In the present paper, using an urban water supply and distribution system as a case study (city of Kozani, Greece), the components of the full water cost (direct-DC; environmental-EC; resource-RC) are analysed, introducing ... -
Developing THMs' predictive models in two water supply systems in Greece
(2020)Disinfection is a very significant water treatment process for drinking water safety, as it inactivates pathogens from drinking water. However, disinfection-by-products (DBPs) are formed which are accused of contributing ... -
Estimating the Water Resources Vulnerability Index in the Adriatic Sea Region
(2016)The Adriatic Sea countries face significant problems regarding cross-border water resources management. DRINKADRIA project aims at developing a common methodological framework, for efficient and effective cross border water ... -
Evaluating the performance level of a water distribution network under unbalanced operating conditions - The case of Kos Town (GR)
(2010)The need for a common international terminology is growing the last few years regarding the performance evaluation of urban water distribution systems, due to the wide diversity of definitions used across the word (even ... -
Exploring patterns in water consumption by clustering
(2015)Water scarcity, high water demand due to increasing urbanization and the ongoing liberalization of the water and energy markets makes water utilities look into innovative ways to approach consumers, to offer attractive ... -
Health impacts due to particulate air pollution in Volos City, Greece
(2016)There is great consensus among the scientific community that suspended particulate matter is considered as one of the most harmful pollutants, particularly the inhalable particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less ... -
Identification of Suitable Locations in a Small Water Supply Network for the Placement of Water Quality Sensors Based on Different Criteria under Demand-Driven Conditions
(2022)Drinking water quality monitoring in real time is of utmost importance to ensure public health. Although water utilities, following the related legislative framework, monitor drinking water quality through samplings, the ... -
Identification of the key variables that can be estimated using remote sensing data and needed for Water Footprint (WF) assessment
(2014)Accurate assessment of water use is an important issue in a globally changing climate and environment, where water is becoming a scarce but essential resource. The concept "?Water Footprint (WF) of a crop is defined as the ... -
Integrated Hydro-Economic Modeling for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Data-Scarce Areas: The Case of Lake Karla Watershed in Greece
(2019)Hydro-economic models can serve as valuable tools to improve the understanding of system details, as well as to support decision-making and water resources management. However, hydro-economic models are not practically ... -
An integrated urban water management scheme: From source to tap
(2018)Urban water systems have great potential in water and energy saving. A thorough water losses component assessment can reveal this potential and drive utilities into a proper water management scheme towards a more sustainable ... -
Legionella spp. Colonization in water systems of hotels linked with travel-associated legionnaires’ disease
(2021)Hotel water systems colonized with Legionella spp. have been the source of travel-associated Legionnaires’ disease, and cases, clusters and outbreaks continue to be reported worldwide each year. A total of 132 hotels linked ... -
A methodology for synthetic household water consumption data generation
(2018)In the smart cities context, real-time knowledge of residential water consumption has become increasingly important, especially given the fast evolution of sensors, ICT and the production of big, high-resolution data coming ... -
Monitoring cotton crop evapotranspiration based on satellite data
(2011)The water demand to meet seasonal and long-term water needs in Thessaly, central Greece, is related to historical semi-Arid conditions in the region, which is the main agricultural area of the country. In this paper ... -
Policy recommendation for drinking water supply cross-border networking in the Adriatic region
(2017)Cross-border water resources and drinking water supply management are among the basic concerns for almost all Adriatic Sea countries. Adopting measures such as developing common methodologies, tools and techniques addressing ... -
Potential of using satellite based vegetation indices and biophysical variables for the assessment of the water footprint of crops
(2014)Satellite remote sensing techniques play an important role in crop identification, acreage and production estimation, disease and stress detection, and soil and water resources characterization because they provide spatially ... -
Reducing water shortage crisis through rainwater reuse: Lessons learned from ancient toward integrated technology
(2019)The quantity of freshwater available per person in the world has been proceeded to decrease due to a combination of factors, including population increase, water pollution, inadequate planning and management of transboundary ... -
Risk analysis framework for the optimum remediation of a contaminated aquifer under uncertainty: application in Lake Karla aquifer, Thessaly, Greece
(2022)A risk analysis framework is proposed for the optimum remediation of a contaminated aquifer under hydrogeological uncertainty. The limited information and the spatial variation of hydraulic conductivity in a real-world ...