Browsing by Subject "Undergraduate Courses"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Engaging Students During Synchronous Video-Conferencing in COVID19 Times: Preliminary Findings from a Design Study
(2021)This paper explores student engagement in an undergraduate course during the pandemic-induced emergency remote teaching in the spring of 2020. Fifty preschool education students participated in a course in which synchronous ... -
Integrating Web 2.0 technologies in undergraduate teaching: Experiences with a wiki implementation
(2010)The present paper presents our experiences with a wiki implementation in undergraduate education. More specifically, the paper address the issue of collaboration in the process of hypertext creation and examines the rate ... -
Wikibooks as tools for promoting constructivist learning in higher education: Findings from a case study
(2010)The present paper focuses on wiki-related pedagogies in higher education and examines the potential of wikibooks in a blended learning context. A wikibook was integrated as a compulsory class assignment in an undergraduate ...