Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Data based modeling approach for greenhouse air temperature and relative humidity 

      Ntoula, E.; Katsoulas, N.; Kittas, C.; Youssef, A.; Exadaktylos, V.; Berckmans, D. (2012)
      Greenhouse air temperature and relative humidity are two important variables that can be influenced and controlled by many parameters. The present research refers to the prediction of these two variables in a greenhouse ...
    • Data-Based approach to model the dynamic behaviour of greenhouse temperature 

      Youssef, A.; Dekock, J.; Ozcan, S. E.; Berckmans, D.; Katsoulas, N.; Kittasb, C. (2011)
      Model-based greenhouse climate control combined with use of reliable sensors can achieve ideal balance of good greenhouse climate and energy saving; however, it requires development of robust models describing both the ...