Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A software tool for building a statistical prefix processor 

      Karanikolas, N.; Vassilakopoulos, M.; Giannoulis, N. (2012)
      Information Retrieval or Text Classification need to match words between the user's input and the documents in a collection of texts. Matching of words is not a trivial process since words have grammatical (inflectional ...
    • Text Analysis of COVID-19 Tweets 

      Theocharopoulos P.C., Tsoukala A., Georgakopoulos S.V., Tasoulis S.K., Plagianakos V.P. (2022)
      During the COVID-19 pandemic many countries were forced to implement lockdowns to prevent further spread of the SARS-CoV-2, prohibiting people from face-to-face social interactions. This unprecedented circumstance led to ...