Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • A high accuracy voltage reference generator 

      Souliotis G., Plessas F., Vlassis S. (2018)
      A high-accuracy voltage reference generator is proposed in this paper. It has been designed in a CMOS 65 nm technology node, operating with a typical supply voltage of 1.2 V, which provides a reference voltage equal to 0.5 ...
    • Hydrogen production via aqueous - Phase glucose reforming: A thermodynamic approach 

      Brouzgou, A.; Keramida, T. H.; Efthymiou, J.; Tsiakaras, P. (2009)
      In the present work the thermodynamic analysis of aqueous - phase glucose reforming reaction has been studied. For the investigation purposes the temperature range of 0 - 100°C and atmospheric total pressure have been ...
    • Influence of electron irradiation on fluctuation conductivity and pseudogap in YBa2Cu3O7-δsingle crystals 

      Solovjov A.L., Omelchenko L.V., Petrenko E.V., Khadzhai G.Y., Sergeyev D.M., Chroneos A., Vovk R.V. (2022)
      The effect of electron irradiation with the energy of 2.5 MeV on the temperature dependences of the resistivity ρ(T) of an optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystal has been studied. The temperature dependences of both ...
    • Temperature compensated ring oscillator based VCO 

      Souliotis G., Keramida E., Plessas F., Malatesta R., Vlassis S. (2022)
      Frequency drift due to temperature variations is a crucial design consideration and cannot always be compensated by a phase-locked loop especially when low-gain, multiband oscillators are employed. A ring oscillator ...