Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Canonical quantization of some midi-superspace models in 3+1 dimensions 

      Christodoulakis, T.; Doulis, G.; Terzis, P. A.; Melas, E.; Grammenos, Th; Papadopoulos, O.; Spanou, A. (2010)
      A proposal is put forward which enables the canonical quantization of a family of spherically symmetric geometries in 3+1 dimensions. The proposal consists of a particular renormalization Assumption and an accompanying ...
    • Canonical quantization of static spherically symmetric geometries 

      Christodoulakis, T.; Dimakis, N.; Terzis, P. A.; Doulis, G.; Grammenos, Th; Melas, E.; Spanou, A. (2013)
      The conditional symmetries of the reduced Einstein-Hilbert action emerging from a static, spherically symmetric geometry are used as supplementary conditions on the wave function. Based on their integrability conditions, ...