Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Consequences of reduced vitamin A administration on mammary health of dairy ewes 

      Koutsoumpas, A. T.; Giadinis, N. D.; Petridou, E. J.; Konstantinou, E.; Brozos, C.; Lafi, S. Q.; Fthenakis, G. C.; Karatzias, H. (2013)
      The study was carried out in Mytilene breed dairy ewes, which were allocated into two groups, 2 months before their first mating. All animals were given a diet based on dried alfalfa hay and concentrate compound feed with ...
    • "Milk-drop syndrome of ewes": Investigation of the causes in dairy sheep in Greece 

      Giadinis, N. D.; Arsenos, G.; Tsakos, P.; Psychas, V.; Dovas, C. I.; Papadopoulos, E.; Karatzias, H.; Fthenakis, G. C. (2012)
      "Milk-drop syndrome of ewes" is defined as a pathological entity at flock level and a syndrome characterized by reduced milk yield of lactating ewes, with no clinical signs specific to a disease. Concurrent presence of the ...
    • Proteomics data of ovine mastitis associated with Mannheimia haemolytica 

      Katsafadou A.I., Tsangaris G.T., Anagnostopoulos A.K., Billinis C., Barbagianni M.S., Vasileiou N.G.C., Spanos S.A., Mavrogianni V.S., Fthenakis G.C. (2019)
      Proteomics data have been obtained from experimental mastitis in ewes after intramammary challenge with Mannheimia haemolytica. Animals were sampled before and sequentially after challenge; blood plasma and milk whey samples ...
    • Subclinical mastitis changes the patterns of maternal-offspring behaviour in dairy sheep 

      Gougoulis, D. A.; Kyriazakis, I.; Papaioannou, N.; Papadopoulos, E.; Taitzoglou, I. A.; Fthenakis, G. C. (2008)
      Subclinical mastitis was induced by inoculating one mammary gland in dairy ewes (n = 8) with a Staphylococcus simulans isolate; control ewes (n = 4) were included. The milk yield of inoculated glands decreased (P < 0.001), ...