Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Architectures for SLAM and augmented reality computing 

      Bellas N., Antonopoulos C.D., Lalis S., Gkeka M.-R., Patras A., Keramidas G., Stamoulis I., Tavoularis N., Piperakis S., Hourdakis E., Trahanias P., Zikas P., Papagiannakis G., Kartsonaki I. (2021)
      In the next few years, new demanding applications will be supported on mobile platforms by reconciling two conflicting requirements: high performance (often with real-time limitations) and low power consumption. The objective ...
    • Comparative performance analysis of vulkan implementations of computational applications 

      Gkeka M.R., Bellas N., Antonopoulos C.D. (2019)
      The recent introduction of the Vulkan API and the SPIR-V intermediate-level language by the Khronos Group provides a new GPU programming model in an effort to combine the advantages of its predecessors, OpenGL for 3D ...
    • FPGA Architectures for Approximate Dense SLAM Computing 

      Gkeka M.R., Patras A., Antonopoulos C.D., Lalis S., Bellas N. (2021)
      Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is the problem of constructing and continuously updating a map of an unknown environment while keeping track of an agent's trajectory within this environment. SLAM is widely ...