Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Efficient computation of containment and complementarity in RDF data cubes 

      Meimaris M., Papastefanatos G., Anagnostopoulos I., Vassiliadis P. (2016)
      Multidimensional data are published in the web of data under common directives, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF). The increasing volume and diversity of these data pose the challenge of finding relations ...
    • LinkZoo: A collaborative resource management tool based on linked data 

      Alexiou G., Meimaris M., Papastefanatos G., Anagnostopoulos I. (2020)
      This article presents LinkZoo, a web-based, linked data enabled tool that supports collaborative management of information resources. LinkZoo addresses the modern needs of informationintensive collaboration environments ...