Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Enabling open access to LTE network components; The NITOS testbed paradigm 

      Makris N., Zarafetas C., Kechagias S., Korakis T., Seskar I., Tassiulas L. (2015)
      The lessons already learned from the existing protocols operation are taken into deep consideration during the standardization activities of the potential technologies opted for the future 5th Generation mobile networks. ...
    • Semantic coordination protocol for LTE and Wi-Fi coexistence 

      Tosic M., Nejkovic V., Jelenkovic F., Milosevic N., Nikolic Z., Makris N., Korakis T. (2016)
      In this paper, we address the challenges in facilitating the intra-band coexistence of WiFi and LTE technologies in multi-RAT networks and propose a semantic coordination protocol that improves the communication performance ...