Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Cancer vascularization: Implications in radiotherapy? 

      Koukourakis, M. I.; Giatromanolaki, A.; Sivridis, E.; Fezoulidis, I. (2000)
      Purpose: Although hypoxia is considered a major cause of failure of radiotherapy, the mechanisms of tumor hypoxia are unclear, and effective ways for its correction or targeting are missing. Tumoral vasculature is the ...
    • Systemic therapy of metastatic bladder cancer in the molecular era: current status and future promise 

      Zachos, I.; Konstantinopoulos, P. A.; Tzortzis, V.; Gravas, S.; Karatzas, A.; Karamouzis, M. V.; Melekos, M.; Papavassiliou, A. G. (2010)
      Importance of the field: Platinum-based chemotherapy is considered the standard-of-care first-line therapy for metastatic bladder cancer. Despite the initial high response rate, the vast majority of patients eventually ...