Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Semantic based search engine for 3D shapes: Design and early prototype implementation 

      Vasilakis, G.; Pitikakis, M.; Vavalis, M.; Houstis, C. (2005)
      Searching for 3D resources is gradually becoming one of those intriguing research topics that have the potential to shape how users will access and interact with the internet in the years to come. Search engines like Google ...
    • User modeling for pedestrian navigation services 

      Kikiras, P.; Tsetsos, V.; Papataxiarhis, V.; Katsikas, T.; Hadjiefthymiades, S. (2009)
      Human-centered and user-adaptive systems are at the heart of the Design for All and Ambient Intelligence concepts. Evidently, user models are necessary "ingredients" of such systems. We present a user model for navigation ...