Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Asymmetric behavior of archaeal prolyl-tRNA synthetase 

      Ambrogelly, A.; Kamtekar, S.; Stathopoulos, C.; Kennedy, D.; Söll, D. (2005)
      Archaeal prolyl-tRNA synthetases differ from their bacterial counterparts: they contain an additional domain (about 70 amino acids) appended to the carboxy-terminus and lack an editing domain inserted into the class II ...
    • RNAcentral: A comprehensive database of non-coding RNA sequences 

      Petrov A.I., Kay S.J.E., Kalvari I., Howe K.L., Gray K.A., Bruford E.A., Kersey P.J., Cochrane G., Finn R.D., Bateman A., Kozomara A., Griffiths-Jones S., Frankish A., Zwieb C.W., Lau B.Y., Williams K.P., Chan P.P., Lowe T.M., Cannone J.J., Gutell R.R., Machnicka M.A., Bujnicki J.M., Yoshihama M., Kenmochi N., Chai B., Cole J.R., Szymanski M., Karlowski W.M., Wood V., Huala E., Berardini T.Z., Zhao Y., Chen R., Zhu W., Paraskevopoulou M.D., Vlachos I.S., Hatzigeorgiou A.G., Ma L., Zhang Z., Puetz J., Stadler P.F., McDonald D., Basu S., Fey P., Engel S.R., Cherry J.M., Volders P.-J., Mestdagh P., Wower J., Clark M., Quek X.C., Dinger M.E., The RNAcentral Consortium (2017)
      RNAcentral is a database of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) sequences that aggregates data from specialised ncRNA resources and provides a single entry point for accessing ncRNA sequences of all ncRNA types from all organisms. Since ...
    • Serpin family E member 1 tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms in patients with diabetic nephropathy: An association study and meta-analysis using a genetic model-free approach 

      Tziastoudi M., Dardiotis E., Pissas G., Filippidis G., Golfinopoulos S., Siokas V., Tachmitzi S.V., Eleftheriadis T., Hadjigeorgiou G.M., Tsironi E., Stefanidis I. (2021)
      Background: Many lines of evidence highlight the genetic contribution on the development of diabetic nephropathy (DN). One of the studied genes is SERPINE1 whose the role in the risk of developing DN remains questionable. ...