Now showing items 1-20 of 35

    • Anticoagulation after Stroke in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: To Bridge or Not with Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin? 

      Altavilla R., Caso V., Bandini F., Agnelli G., Tsivgoulis G., Yaghi S., Furie K.L., Tadi P., Becattini C., Zedde M., Abdul-Rahim A.H., Lees K.R., Alberti A., Venti M., Acciarresi M., D'Amore C., Giulia Mosconi M., Anna Cimini L., Fusaro J., Bovi P., Carletti M., Rigatelli A., Cappellari M., Putaala J., Tomppo L., Tatlisumak T., Marcheselli S., Pezzini A., Poli L., Padovani A., Masotti L., Vannucchi V., Sohn S.-I., Lorenzini G., Tassi R., Guideri F., Acampa M., Martini G., Ntaios G., Athanasakis G., Makaritsis K., Karagkiozi E., Vadikolias K., Liantinioti C., Chondrogianni M., Mumoli N., Consoli D., Galati F., Sacco S., Carolei A., Tiseo C., Corea F., Ageno W., Bellesini M., Silvestrelli G., Ciccone A., Lanari A., Scoditti U., Denti L., Mancuso M., MacCarrone M., Ulivi L., Orlandi G., Giannini N., Gialdini G., Tassinari T., De Lodovici M.L., Bono G., Rueckert C., Baldi A., D'Anna S., Toni D., Letteri F., Giuntini M., Lotti E.M., Flomin Y., Pieroni A., Kargiotis O., Karapanayiotides T., Monaco S., Baronello M.M., Csiba L., Szabó L., Chiti A., Giorli E., Del Sette M., Imberti D., Zabzuni D., Doronin B., Volodina V., Michel P., Vanacker P., Barlinn K., Pallesen L.-P., Barlinn J., Deleu D., Melikyan G., Ibrahim F., Akhtar N., Gourbali V., Paciaroni M. (2019)
      Background and Purpose-Bridging therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin reportedly leads to a worse outcome for acute cardioembolic stroke patients because of a higher incidence of intracerebral bleeding. However, this ...
    • Association of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage with left ventricular hypertrophy on transthoracic echocardiography 

      Pallesen L.-P., Wagner J., Lambrou D., Braun S., Weise M., Prakapenia A., Barlinn J., Siepmann T., Winzer S., Moustafa H., Kitzler H.H., Barlinn K., Reichmann H., Puetz V. (2020)
      Introduction: Arterial hypertension is the most frequent cause for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (sICH) and may also cause left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). We sought to analyze whether hypertensive sICH etiology ...
    • Causes and Risk Factors of Cerebral Ischemic Events in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Treated with Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention: The RENo Study 

      Paciaroni M., Agnelli G., Caso V., Silvestrelli G., Seiffge D.J., Engelter S., De Marchis G.M., Polymeris A., Zedde M.L., Yaghi S., Michel P., Eskandari A., Antonenko K., Sohn S.-I., Cappellari M., Tassinari T., Tassi R., Masotti L., Katsanos A.H., Giannopoulos S., Acciarresi M., Alberti A., Venti M., Mosconi M.G., Vedovati M.C., Pierini P., Giustozzi M., Lotti E.M., Ntaios G., Kargiotis O., Monaco S., Lochner P., Bandini F., Liantinioti C., Palaiodimou L., Abdul-Rahim A.H., Lees K., Mancuso M., Pantoni L., Rosa S., Bertora P., Galliazzo S., Ageno W., Toso E., Angelini F., Chiti A., Orlandi G., Denti L., Flomin Y., Marcheselli S., Mumoli N., Rimoldi A., Verrengia E., Schirinzi E., Del Sette M., Papamichalis P., Komnos A., Popovic N., Zarkov M., Rocco A., Diomedi M., Giorli E., Ciccone A., Grory B.C.M., Furie K.L., Bonetti B., Saia V., Guideri F., Acampa M., Martini G., Grifoni E., Padroni M., Karagkiozi E., Perlepe K., Makaritsis K., Mannino M., MacCarrone M., Ulivi L., Giannini N., Ferrari E., Pezzini A., Doronin B., Volodina V., Baldi A., D'Amore C., Deleu D., Corea F., Putaala J., Santalucia P., Nardi K., Risitano A., Toni D., Tsivgoulis G. (2019)
      Background and Purpose-Despite treatment with oral anticoagulants, patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF) may experience ischemic cerebrovascular events. The aims of this case-control study in patients with AF ...
    • Characteristics and outcomes of Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source according to stroke severity 

      Leventis I., Perlepe K., Sagris D., Sirimarco G., Strambo D., Georgiopoulos G., Eskandari A., Karagkiozi E., Vemmou A., Koroboki E., Manios E., Makaritsis K., Vemmos K., Michel P., Ntaios G. (2020)
      Background and aims: Patients with embolic strokes of undetermined source (ESUS) usually present with mild symptoms. We aimed to compare the baseline characteristics between mild and severe ESUS, identify predictors for ...
    • The characteristics of intracranial plaques of unilateral, anterior circulation embolic stroke of undetermined source: An analysis of different subtypes based on high-resolution imaging 

      Shang Z.-Y., Tao L., Li X.-Q., Yang B.-Q., Ntaios G., Chen H.-S. (2022)
      Background and purpose: The aim was to investigate the characteristics of non-stenotic intracranial plaque (NSIP) in embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) subtypes by high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging. ...
    • Clinical outcomes and neuroimaging profiles in nondisabled patients with anticoagulant-related intracerebral hemorrhage 

      Lioutas V.-A., Goyal N., Katsanos A.H., Krogias C., Zand R., Sharma V.K., Varelas P., Malhotra K., Paciaroni M., Sharaf A., Chang J., Karapanayiotides T., Kargiotis O., Pappa A., Mai J., Pandhi A., Schroeder C., Tsantes A., Mehta C., Kerro A., Khan A., Mitsias P.D., Selim M.H., Alexandrov A.V., Tsivgoulis G. (2018)
      Background and Purpose: The aim of this study was to prospectively validate our prior findings of smaller hematoma volume and lesser neurological deficit in nonvitamin K oral anticoagulant (NOAC) compared with Vitamin K ...
    • Data-driven machine-learning analysis of potential embolic sources in embolic stroke of undetermined source 

      Ntaios G., Weng S.F., Perlepe K., Akyea R., Condon L., Lambrou D., Sirimarco G., Strambo D., Eskandari A., Karagkiozi E., Vemmou A., Korompoki E., Manios E., Makaritsis K., Vemmos K., Michel P. (2021)
      Background and purpose: Hierarchical clustering, a common ‘unsupervised’ machine-learning algorithm, is advantageous for exploring potential underlying aetiology in particularly heterogeneous diseases. We investigated ...
    • Direct oral anticoagulant-vs Vitamin K antagonist-related nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage 

      Tsivgoulis G., Lioutas V.-A., Varelas P., Katsanos A.H., Goyal N., Mikulik R., Barlinn K., Krogias C., Sharma V.K., Vadikolias K., Dardiotis E., Karapanayiotides T., Pappa A., Zompola C., Triantafyllou S., Kargiotis O., Ioakeimidis M., Giannopoulos S., Kerro A., Tsantes A., Mehta C., Jones M., Schroeder C., Norton C., Bonakis A., Chang J., Alexandrov A.W., Mitsias P., Alexandrov A.V. (2017)
      Objective: To compare the neuroimaging profile and clinical outcomes among patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) related to use of vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) or direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) for nonvalvular ...
    • Early recurrence in paroxysmal versus sustained atrial fibrillation in patients with acute ischaemic stroke 

      Paciaroni M., Angelini F., Agnelli G., Tsivgoulis G., Furie K.L., Tadi P., Becattini C., Falocci N., Zedde M., Abdul-Rahim A.H., Lees K.R., Alberti A., Venti M., Acciarresi M., Altavilla R., D’Amore C., Mosconi M.G., Cimini L.A., Bovi P., Carletti M., Rigatelli A., Cappellari M., Putaala J., Tomppo L., Tatlisumak T., Bandini F., Marcheselli S., Pezzini A., Poli L., Padovani A., Masotti L., Vannucchi V., Sohn S.-I., Lorenzini G., Tassi R., Guideri F., Acampa M., Martini G., Ntaios G., Karagkiozi E., Athanasakis G., Makaritsis K., Vadikolias K., Liantinioti C., Chondrogianni M., Mumoli N., Consoli D., Galati F., Sacco S., Carolei A., Tiseo C., Corea F., Ageno W., Bellesini M., Silvestrelli G., Ciccone A., Scoditti U., Denti L., Mancuso M., Maccarrone M., Orlandi G., Giannini N., Gialdini G., Tassinari T., Lodovici M.L.D., Bono G., Rueckert C., Baldi A., Toni D., Letteri F., Giuntini M., Lotti E.M., Flomin Y., Pieroni A., Kargiotis O., Karapanayiotides T., Monaco S., Baronello M.M., Csiba L., Szabó L., Chiti A., Giorli E., Sette M.D., Imberti D., Zabzuni D., Doronin B., Volodina V., Michel Pd-Mer P., Vanacker P., Barlinn K., Pallesen L.P., Kepplinger J., Deleu D., Melikyan G., Ibrahim F., Akhtar N., Gourbali V., Yaghi S., Caso V. (2019)
      Background: The relationship between different patterns of atrial fibrillation and early recurrence after an acute ischaemic stroke is unclear. Purpose: In a prospective cohort study, we evaluated the rates of early ischaemic ...
    • Effect of Hyperacute Administration (Within 6 Hours) of Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate, a Nitric Oxide Donor, on Outcome after Stroke: Subgroup Analysis of the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial 

      Woodhouse L., Scutt P., Krishnan K., Berge E., Gommans J., Ntaios G., Wardlaw J., Sprigg N., Bath P.M. (2015)
      Background and Purpose-Nitric oxide donors are candidate treatments for acute stroke, potentially through hemodynamic, reperfusion, and neuroprotectant effects, especially if given early. Although the large Efficacy of ...
    • Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source and Detection of Atrial Fibrillation on Follow-Up: How Much Causality Is There? 

      Ntaios G., Papavasileiou V., Lip G.Y.H., Milionis H., Makaritsis K., Vemmou A., Koroboki E., Manios E., Spengos K., Michel P., Vemmos K. (2016)
      Background There is increasing debate whether atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes during follow-up in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) are causally associated with the event. AF-related strokes are ...
    • Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source: A Systematic Review and Clinical Update 

      Hart R.G., Catanese L., Perera K.S., Ntaios G., Connolly S.J. (2017)
      Background and Purpose-Embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) designates patients with nonlacunar cryptogenic ischemic strokes in whom embolism is the likely stroke mechanism. It has been hypothesized that anticoagulation ...
    • External Validation of the PREMISE Score in the Athens Stroke Registry 

      Ntaios G., Georgiopoulos G., Koroboki E., Vemmos K. (2019)
      Background: A simple score was proposed recently for Predicting Early Mortality from Ischemic Stroke (PREMISE) derived from the Austrian Stroke Unit Registry. This score could be useful in clinical practice and research. ...
    • External Validation of the Prestroke Independence, Sex, Age, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (ISAN) Score for Predicting Stroke-Associated Pneumonia in the Athens Stroke Registry 

      Papavasileiou V., Milionis H., Smith C.J., Makaritsis K., Bray B.D., Michel P., Manios E., Vemmos K., Ntaios G. (2015)
      Background and purpose The Prestroke Independence, Sex, Age, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (ISAN) score was developed recently for predicting stroke-associated pneumonia (SAP), one of the most common complications ...
    • Hyponatremia in Acute Stroke Patients: Pathophysiology, Clinical Significance, and Management Options 

      Liamis G., Barkas F., Megapanou E., Christopoulou E., Makri A., Makaritsis K., Ntaios G., Elisaf M., Milionis H. (2020)
      Background: Hyponatremia is frequent in acute stroke patients, and it is associated with worse outcomes and increased mortality. Summary: Nonstroke-related causes of hyponatremia include patients' comorbidities and concomitant ...
    • Intracranial and systemic atherosclerosis in the NAVIGATE ESUS trial: Recurrent stroke risk and response to antithrombotic therapy 

      Ameriso S.F., Amarenco P., Pearce L.A., Perera K.S., Ntaios G., Lang W., Bereczki D., Uchiyama S., Kasner S.E., Yoon B.-W., Lavados P., Firstenfeld A., Mikulik R., Povedano G.P., Ferrari J., Mundl H., Berkowitz S.D., Connolly S.J., Hart R.G. (2020)
      Background: Non-stenotic intracranial and systemic atherosclerosis are associated with ischemic stroke. We report frequency and response to anticoagulant vs. antiplatelet prophylaxis of patients with embolic stroke of ...
    • Intravenous Thrombolysis After Dabigatran Reversal by Idarucizumab: A Systematic Review of the Literature 

      Frol S., Sagris D., Pretnar Oblak J., Šabovič M., Ntaios G. (2021)
      Background and Purpose: Idarucizumab achieves instant reversal of anticoagulation and enables intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) in dabigatran-treated acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients. AIS in dabigatran-treated patients ...
    • Intravenous Thrombolysis in Patients With Ischemic Stroke Aged ≥90 Years: A Cohort Study From the TRISP Collaboration 

      Altersberger V.L., Rusche N., Martinez-Majander N., Hametner C., Scheitz J.F., Henon H., Dell'acqua M.L., Strambo D., Stolp J., Heldner M.R., Grisendi I., Jovanovic D.R., Bejot Y., Pezzini A., Leker R.R., Kägi G., Wegener S., Cereda C.W., Lindgren E., Ntaios G., Piot I., Polymeris A.A., Lyrer P.A., Räty S., Sibolt G., Tiainen M., Heyse M., Erdur H., Kaaouana O., Padjen V., Zedde M., Arnold M., Nederkoorn P.J., Michel P., Bigliardi G., Zini A., Cordonnier C., Nolte C.H., Ringleb P.A., Curtze S., Engelter S.T., Gensicke H., for the Thrombolysis in Stroke Patients (TRISP) Collaborators (2022)
      Background: The probability to receive intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) for treatment of acute ischemic stroke declines with increasing age and is consequently the lowest in very elderly patients. Safety concerns likely ...
    • It is safe to use transdermal glyceryl trinitrate to lower blood pressure in patients with acute ischaemic stroke with carotid stenosis 

      Appleton J.P., Woodhouse L.J., Belcher A., Bereczki D., Berge E., Caso V., Chang H.M., Christensen H.K., Collins R., Gommans J., Laska A.C., Ntaios G., Ozturk S., Sare G.M., Szatmari S., Wang Y., Wardlaw J.M., Sprigg N., Bath P.M. (2019)
      Background There is concern that blood pressure (BP) lowering in acute stroke may compromise cerebral perfusion and worsen outcome in the presence of carotid stenosis. We assessed the effect of glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) ...
    • Lipoprotein(a) is associated with large artery atherosclerosis stroke aetiology and stroke recurrence among patients below the age of 60 years: Results from the BIOSIGNAL study 

      Arnold M., Schweizer J., Nakas C.T., Schütz V., Westphal L.P., Inauen C., Pokorny T., Luft A., Leichtle A., Arnold M., Bicvic A., Fischer U., De Marchis G.M., Bonati L.H., Müller M.D., Kahles T., Nedeltchev K., Cereda C.W., Kägi G., Bustamante A., Montaner J., Ntaios G., Foerch C., Spanaus K., Von Eckardstein A., Katan M. (2021)
      Aims: Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a recognized causal risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease but its role for acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) is controversial. In this study, we evaluated the association of Lp(a) ...