Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • DIANA-miRPath v3.0: deciphering microRNA function with experimental support 

      Vlachos, I. S.; Zagganas, K.; Paraskevopoulou, M. D.; Georgakilas, G.; Karagkouni, D.; Vergoulis, T.; Dalamagas, T.; Hatzigeorgiou, A. G. (2015)
      The functional characterization of miRNAs is still an open challenge. Here, we present DIANA-miRPath v3.0 ( an online software suite dedicated to the assessment of miRNA regulatory roles ...
    • A new randomized data structure for the 11/2-dimensional range query problem 

      Bozanis, P. (2003)
      We propose RPST, a randomized data. structure for the 11/2-dimensional range query problem, based on a version of, Skip Lists, as an alternative to solutions that use. deterministic height balanced trees. Our scheme exhibits, ...