Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Analyzing manufacturing sector and selected development challenges: A panel data analysis 

      Halkos G., Moll de Alba J., Todorov V. (2021)
      The importance of manufacturing as a main determinant of economic growth has been explored extensively in the literature considering manufacturing as the engine of economic growth. In our study, a new database covering 117 ...
    • Comparative Energy Information Analytics of Five European Economies 

      Karasimou M.D., Antonenas V., Laitsos V., Polychronides V., Tsoukalas L.H. (2020)
      Real GDP per capita and energy consumption are often, but not always, correlated variables. Comparative analysis of their respective time series offers new insights and information and new decision-making metrics. During ...
    • Renewable Energy Sources and Impact on GDP Growth 

      Karasimou M.D., Mousiari O., Tsoukalas L.H. (2021)
      Iinvestments in renewable energy sources (RES) appear to boost GDP growth especially in middle-income countries. By investing in RES, countries meet commitments for Net-Zero by 2050 and accelerate growth in ways that produce ...