Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Enabling mobile sensing through a DTN framework 

      Maglogiannis, V.; Kazdaridis, G.; Stavropoulos, D.; Korakis, T.; Tassiulas, L. (2013)
      Participatory Sensing is the concept of distributed data collection by self-selected participants. By exploiting latest technology's smart devices, a large number of valuable information can be collected through embedded ...
    • Wireless sensor networks for greenhouse climate and plant condition assessment 

      Ferentinos K.P., Katsoulas N., Tzounis A., Bartzanas T., Kittas C. (2017)
      Spatially distributed environmental measurements at plant level can be used to create a precise and detailed representation of the climate at various regions inside a greenhouse. Climatic heterogeneity can cause significant ...