Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Acute Liver Failure 

      Doulberis M., Kotronis G., Gialamprinou D., Özgüler O., Exadaktylos A.K., Oikonomou V., Katsinelos P., Romiopoulos I., Polyzos S.A., Tzivras D., Deretzi G., Dardiotis E., Kountouras J. (2019)
      Acute liver failure is a rare hepatic emergent situation that affects primarily young people and has often a catastrophic or even fatal outcome. Definition of acute liver failure has not reached a universal consensus and ...
    • Characteristics of Farm Injuries in Greece 

      Alexe, D. M.; Petridou, E.; Dessypris, N.; Skenderis, N.; Trichopoulos, D. (2003)
      Methodology: During a five-year period (1996-2000), 4,326 unintentional farm injuries have been recorded by the Emergency Department Injury Surveillance System in Greece. Data concerning demographic variables, accident ...
    • COVID-19 diagnosis in the emergency department: Seeing the tree but losing the forest 

      Mouliou D.S., Pantazopoulos I., Gourgoulianis K. (2022)
      [No abstract available]
    • COVID-19 Smart Diagnosis in the Emergency Department: all-in in Practice 

      Mouliou D.S., Pantazopoulos I., Gourgoulianis K.I. (2022)
      Introduction: Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) diagnosis has been a major problem in most Emergency Departments (EDs) and other senior care facilities. Various clinical manifestations, and the several radiologic and ...
    • Effect of PM2.5 levels on respiratory pediatric ed visits in a semi‐urban greek peninsula 

      Kanellopoulos N., Pantazopoulos I., Mermiri M., Mavrovounis G., Kalantzis G., Saharidis G., Gourgoulianis K. (2021)
      Ambient air pollution accounts for an estimated 4.2 million deaths worldwide. Particulate matter (PM)2.5 particles are believed to be the most harmful, as when inhaled they can penetrate deep into the lungs. The aim of ...
    • The emergency medical system in Greece: Opening aeolus’ bag of winds 

      Kotsiou O.S., Srivastava D.S., Kotsios P., Exadaktylos A.K., Gourgoulianis K.I. (2018)
      An Emergency Medical Service (EMS) system must encompass a spectrum of care, with dedicated pre-hospital and in-hospital medical facilities. It has to be organised in such a way as to include all necessary services-such ...
    • Managing Viral Emerging Infectious Diseases via current Molecular Diagnostics in the Emergency Department: the Tricky Cases 

      Mouliou D.S. (2022)
      Introduction: Emerging infectious diseases’ diagnosis has been a major problem in most hospitals and other senior care facilities, especially for the current Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The various clinical ...
    • MRSA infections among patients in the emergency department: A European multicentre study 

      Bouchiat C., Curtis S., Spiliopoulou I., Bes M., Cocuzza C., Codita I., Dupieux C., Giormezis N., Kearns A., Laurent F., Molinos S., Musumeci R., Prat C., Saadatian-Elahi M., Tacconelli E., Tristan A., Schulte B., Vandenesch F., Monneuse O., de Francisco T., Casella P., Erbizzoni S., Melzi S., Oggioni D., Sala R., Calaresu E., Efthimia P., Markos M., Petinaki E., Schroeder W., on behalf of the ESCMID Study Group on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections (ESGS) (2017)
      Background: MRSA is a therapeutic concern worldwide, and a major agent of community-acquired skin and soft tissue infections (CA-SSTIs). While the US epidemiology of MRSA in CA-SSTIs is well described and reports the high ...
    • Upper extremity emergencies during SARS-COV-2 pandemic: Turnout trends 

      Fyllos A., Varitimidis S., Papageorgiou F., Karamanis N., Alexiou K., Veloni A., Malizos K., Dailiana Z. (2021)
      Introduction: During the SARS-COV-2 pandemic and consequent government measures to prevent the overwhelming of public hospitals, emergency department (ED) orthopaedic turnout was significantly altered. This study compared ...