Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • COSMOS educational toolkit 

      Skrimponis P., Makris N., Rajguru S.B., Cheng K., Ostrometzky J., Ford E., Kostic Z., Zussman G., Korakis T. (2020)
      This paper focuses on the K-12 educational activities of COSMOS-<u>C</u>loud enhanced <u>O</u>pen <u>S</u>oftware defined <u>MO</u>bile wireless testbed for city-<u>S</u>cale deployment. The COSMOS wireless reasearch testbed ...
    • Innovative Education for Sustainable Development in Peripheral Rural Areas 

      Gaki D., Felekis S., Vlahos G., Herzon I., de Morales Fusté M.P., Berchoux T., BennettCoady R., Jitea I.M., Kazakova Y., Kessari M., Klepac O., Mihai V., Moran J., Tolic S., Roglic M. (2022)
      This paper aims to present the results of the Erasmus + RUR'UP project that developed educational tools for scientists, public managers, practitioners, and agricultural advisors living and working in peripheral rural areas. ...
    • Texts of art, science and culture: An interdisciplinary course in engineering curriculum 

      Evdoridou, E.; Karakasidis, T. (2013)
      In the present paper we describe a new elective interdisciplinary course introduced to the curriculum of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Thessaly, Greece. The course tries to bridge the gap between ...