Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Age-related cognitive decline and associations with sex, education and apolipoprotein E genotype across ethnocultural groups and geographic regions: a collaborative cohort study 

      Lipnicki D.M., Crawford J.D., Dutta R., Thalamuthu A., Kochan N.A., Andrews G., Lima-Costa M.F., Castro-Costa E., Brayne C., Matthews F.E., Stephan B.C.M., Lipton R.B., Katz M.J., Ritchie K., Scali J., Ancelin M.-L., Scarmeas N., Yannakoulia M., Dardiotis E., Lam L.C.W., Wong C.H.Y., Fung A.W.T., Guaita A., Vaccaro R., Davin A., Kim K.W., Han J.W., Kim T.H., Anstey K.J., Cherbuin N., Butterworth P., Scazufca M., Kumagai S., Chen S., Narazaki K., Ng T.P., Gao Q., Reppermund S., Brodaty H., Lobo A., Lopez-Anton R., Santabárbara J., Sachdev P.S., Cohort Studies of Memory in an International Consortium (COSMIC) (2017)
      Background: The prevalence of dementia varies around the world, potentially contributed to by international differences in rates of age-related cognitive decline. Our primary goal was to investigate how rates of age-related ...
    • Assessing hostility in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 

      Tzitzikos G., Kotrotsiou E., Bonotis K., Gourgoulianis K. (2019)
      COPD is a disease that can adversely affect patients’ psychology. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether COPD patients feel increased hostility, and if hostility is associated with socio-economic factors. A ...
    • End-stage dementia spark of life: Reliability and validity of the “GATOS” questionnaire 

      Tsoucalas G., Bourelia S., Kalogirou V., Giatsiou S., Mavrogiannaki E., Gatos G., Galanos A., Repana O., Iliadou E., Antoniou A., Sgantzos M., Gatos K. (2015)
      Background: Floor effects are present in most dementia assessment tools as dementia progresses and the in–depth assessment of patients considered more or less on vegetative state is questionable. Objective: To develop a ...
    • Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970-2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 

      Wang H., Abajobir A.A., Abate K.H., Abbafati C., Abbas K.M., Abd-Allah F., Abera S.F., Abraha H.N., Abu-Raddad L.J., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Adedeji I.A., Adedoyin R.A., Adetifa I.M.O., Adetokunboh O., Afshin A., Aggarwal R., Agrawal A., Agrawal S., Ahmad Kiadaliri A., Ahmed M.B., Aichour A.N., Aichour I., Aichour M.T.E., Aiyar S., Akanda A.S., Akinyemiju T.F., Akseer N., Al-Eyadhy A., Al Lami F.H., Alabed S., Alahdab F., Al-Aly Z., Alam K., Alam N., Alasfoor D., Aldridge R.W., Alene K.A., Alhabib S., Ali R., Alizadeh-Navaei R., Aljunid S.M., Alkaabi J.M., Alkerwi A., Alla F., Allam S.D., Allebeck P., Al-Raddadi R., Alsharif U., Altirkawi K.A., Martin E.A., Alvis-Guzman N., Amare A.T., Ameh E.A., Amini E., Ammar W., Amoako Y.A., Anber N., Andrei C.L., Androudi S., Ansari H., Ansha M.G., Antonio C.A.T., Anwari P., Ärnlöv J., Arora M., Artaman A., Aryal K.K., Asayesh H., Asgedom S.W., Asghar R.J., Assadi R., Atey T.M., Atre S.R., Avila-Burgos L., Avokpaho E.F.G.A., Awasthi A., Ayala Quintanilla B.P., Babalola T.K., Bacha U., Badawi A., Balakrishnan K., Balalla S., Barac A., Barber R.M., Barboza M.A., Barker-Collo S.L., Bärnighausen T., Barquera S., Barregard L., Barrero L.H., Baune B.T., Bazargan-Hejazi S., Bedi N., Beghi E., Béjot Y., Bekele B.B., Bell M.L., Bello A.K., Bennett D.A., Bennett J.R., Bensenor I.M., Benson J., Berhane A., Berhe D.F., Bernabé E., Beuran M., Beyene A.S., Bhala N., Bhansali A., Bhaumik S., Bhutta Z.A., Bikbov B., Birungi C., Biryukov S., Bisanzio D., Bizuayehu H.M., Bjerregaard P., Blosser C.D., Boneya D.J., Boufous S., Bourne R.R.A., Brazinova A., Breitborde N.J.K., Brenner H., Brugha T.S., Bukhman G., Bulto L.N.B., Bumgarner B.R., Burch M., Butt Z.A., Cahill L.E., Cahuana-Hurtado L., Campos-Nonato I.R., Car J., Car M., Cárdenas R., Carpenter D.O., Carrero J.J., Carter A., Castañeda-Orjuela C.A., Castillo Rivas J., Castro F.F., Castro R.E., Catalá-López F., Chen H., Chiang P.P.-C., Chibalabala M., Chisumpa V.H., Chitheer A.A., Choi J.-Y.J., Christensen H., Christopher D.J., Ciobanu L.G., Cirillo M., Cohen A.J., Colquhoun S.M., Coresh J., Criqui M.H., Cromwell E.A., Crump J.A., Dandona L., Dandona R., Dargan P.I., Das Neves J., Davey G., Davitoiu D.V., Davletov K., De Courten B., De Leo D., Degenhardt L., Deiparine S., Dellavalle R.P., Deribe K., Deribew A., Des Jarlais D.C., Dey S., Dharmaratne S.D., Dherani M.K., Diaz-Torné C., Ding E.L., Dixit P., Djalalinia S., Do H.P., Doku D.T., Donnelly C.A., Dos Santos K.P.B., Douwes-Schultz D., Driscoll T.R., Duan L., Dubey M., Duncan B.B., Dwivedi L.K., Ebrahimi H., El Bcheraoui C., Ellingsen C.L., Enayati A., Endries A.Y., Ermakov S.P., Eshetie S., Eshrati B., Eskandarieh S., Esteghamati A., Estep K., Fanuel F.B.B., Faro A., Farvid M.S., Farzadfar F., Feigin V.L., Fereshtehnejad S.-M., Fernandes J.G., Fernandes J.C., Feyissa T.R., Filip I., Fischer F., Foigt N., Foreman K.J., Frank T., Franklin R.C., Fraser M., Friedman J., Frostad J.J., Fullman N., Fürst T., Furtado J.M., Futran N.D., Gakidou E., Gambashidze K., Gamkrelidze A., Gankpé F.G., Garcia-Basteiro A.L., Gebregergs G.B., Gebrehiwot T.T., Gebrekidan K.G., Gebremichael M.W., Gelaye A.A., Geleijnse J.M., Gemechu B.L., Gemechu K.S., Genova-Maleras R., Gesesew H.A., Gething P.W., Gibney K.B., Gill P.S., Gillum R.F., Giref A.Z., Girma B.W., Giussani G., Goenka S., Gomez B., Gona P.N., Gopalani S.V., Goulart A.C., Graetz N., Gugnani H.C., Gupta P.C., Gupta R., Gupta R., Gupta T., Gupta V., Haagsma J.A., Hafezi-Nejad N., Haghparast Bidgoli H., Hakuzimana A., Halasa Y.A., Hamadeh R.R., Hambisa M.T., Hamidi S., Hammami M., Hancock J., Handal A.J., Hankey G.J., Hao Y., Harb H.L., Hareri H.A., Harikrishnan S., Haro J.M., Hassanvand M.S., Havmoeller R., Hay R.J., Hay S.I., He F., Heredia-Pi I.B., Herteliu C., Hilawe E.H., Hoek H.W., Horita N., Hosgood H.D., Hostiuc S., Hotez P.J., Hoy D.G., Hsairi M., Htet A.S., Hu G., Huang H., Huang J.J., Iburg K.M., Igumbor E.U., Ileanu B.V., Inoue M., Irenso A.A., Irvine C.M.S., Islam N., Jacobsen K.H., Jaenisch T., Jahanmehr N., Jakovljevic M.B., Javanbakht M., Jayatilleke A.U., Jeemon P., Jensen P.N., Jha V., Jin Y., John D., John O., Johnson S.C., Jonas J.B., Jürisson M., Kabir Z., Kadel R., Kahsay A., Kalkonde Y., Kamal R., Kan H., Karch A., Karema C.K., Karimi S.M., Karthikeyan G., Kasaeian A., Kassaw N.A., Kassebaum N.J., Kastor A., Katikireddi S.V., Kaul A., Kawakami N., Kazanjan K., Keiyoro P.N., Kelbore S.G., Kemp A.H., Kengne A.P., Keren A., Kereselidze M., Kesavachandran C.N., Ketema E.B., Khader Y.S., Khalil I.A., Khan E.A., Khan G., Khang Y.-H., Khera S., Khoja A.T.A., Khosravi M.H., Kibret G.D., Kieling C., Kim C.-I., Kim D., Kim P., Kim S., Kim Y.J., Kimokoti R.W., Kinfu Y., Kishawi S., Kissimova-Skarbek K.A., Kissoon N., Kivimaki M., Knudsen A.K., Kokubo Y., Kopec J.A., Kosen S., Koul P.A., Koyanagi A., Kravchenko M., Krohn K.J., Kuate Defo B., Kucuk Bicer B., Kuipers E.J., Kulikoff X.R., Kulkarni V.S., Kumar G.A., Kumar P., Kumsa F.A., Kutz M., Lachat C., Lagat A.K., Lager A.C.J., Lal D.K., Lalloo R., Lambert N., Lan Q., Lansingh V.C., Larson H.J., Larsson A., Laryea D.O., Lavados P.M., Laxmaiah A., Lee P.H., Leigh J., Leung J., Leung R., Levi M., Li Y., Liao Y., Liben M.L., Lim S.S., Linn S., Lipshultz S.E., Liu S., Lodha R., Logroscino G., Lorch S.A., Lorkowski S., Lotufo P.A., Lozano R., Lunevicius R., Lyons R.A., Ma S., Macarayan E.R.K., Machado I.E., Mackay M.T., Magdy Abd El Razek M., Magis-Rodriguez C., Mahdavi M., Majdan M., Majdzadeh R., Majeed A., Malekzadeh R., Malhotra R., Malta D.C., Mantovani L.G., Manyazewal T., Mapoma C.C., Marczak L.B., Marks G.B., Martinez-Raga J., Martins-Melo F.R., Massano J., Maulik P.K., Mayosi B.M., Mazidi M., McAlinden C., McGarvey S.T., McGrath J.J., McKee M., Mehata S., Mehndiratta M.M., Mehta K.M., Meier T., Mekonnen T.C., Meles K.G., Memiah P., Memish Z.A., Mendoza W., Mengesha M.M., Mengistie M.A., Mengistu D.T., Menon G.R., Menota B.G., Mensah G.A., Meretoja A., Meretoja T.J., Mezgebe H.B., Micha R., Mikesell J., Miller T.R., Mills E.J., Minnig S., Mirarefin M., Mirrakhimov E.M., Misganaw A., Mishra S.R., Mohammad K.A., Mohammadi A., Mohammed K.E., Mohammed S., Mohan M.B.V., Mohanty S.K., Mokdad A.H., Molla Assaye A., Mollenkopf S.K., Molokhia M., Monasta L., Montañez Hernandez J.C., Montico M., Mooney M.D., Moore A.R., Moradi-Lakeh M., Moraga P., Morawska L., Moreno Velasquez I., Mori R., Morrison S.D., Mruts K.B., Mueller U.O., Mullany E., Muller K., Murthy G.V.S., Murthy S., Musa K.I., Nachega J.B., Nagata C., Nagel G., Naghavi M., Naidoo K.S., Nanda L., Nangia V., Nascimento B.R., Natarajan G., Negoi I., Nguyen C.T., Nguyen G., Nguyen Q.L., Nguyen T.H., Ningrum D.N.A., Nisar M.I., Nomura M., Nong V.M., Norheim O.F., Norrving B., Noubiap J.J.N., Nyakarahuka L., Obermeyer C.M., O'Donnell M.J., Ogbo F.A., Oh I.-H., Okoro A., Oladimeji O., Olagunju A.T., Olusanya B.O., Olusanya J.O., Oren E., Ortiz A., Osgood-Zimmerman A., Ota E., Owolabi M.O., Oyekale A.S., Mahesh P.A., Pacella R.E., Pakhale S., Pana A., Panda B.K., Panda-Jonas S., Park E.-K., Parsaeian M., Patel T., Patten S.B., Patton G.C., Paudel D., Pereira D.M., Perez-Padilla R., Perez-Ruiz F., Perico N., Pervaiz A., Pesudovs K., Peterson C.B., Petri W.A., Petzold M., Phillips M.R., Piel F.B., Pigott D.M., Pishgar F., Plass D., Polinder S., Popova S., Postma M.J., Poulton R.G., Pourmalek F., Prasad N., Purwar M., Qorbani M., Rabiee R.H.S., Radfar A., Rafay A., Rahimi-Movaghar A., Rahimi-Movaghar V., Rahman M., Rahman M.H.U., Rahman S.U., Rai R.K., Rajsic S., Ram U., Rana S.M., Ranabhat C.L., Rao P.V., Rawaf S., Ray S.E., Rego M.A.S., Rehm J., Reiner R.C., Remuzzi G., Renzaho A.M.N.N., Resnikoff S., Rezaei S., Rezai M.S., Ribeiro A.L., Rokni M.B., Ronfani L., Roshandel G., Roth G.A., Rothenbacher D., Roy A., Rubagotti E., Ruhago G.M., Saadat S., Sabde Y.D., Sachdev P.S., Sadat N., Safdarian M., Safi S., Safiri S., Sagar R., Sahathevan R., Sahebkar A., Sahraian M.A., Salama J., Salamati P., Salomon J.A., Salvi S.S., Samy A.M., Sanabria J.R., Sanchez-Niño M.D., Santos I.S., Santric Milicevic M.M., Sarmiento-Suarez R., Sartorius B., Satpathy M., Sawhney M., Saxena S., Saylan M.I., Schmidt M.I., Schneider I.J.C., Schutte A.E., Schwebel D.C., Schwendicke F., Seedat S., Seid A.M., Sepanlou S.G., Servan-Mori E.E., Shackelford K.A., Shaheen A., Shahraz S., Shaikh M.A., Shamsipour M., Shamsizadeh M., Islam S.M.S., Sharma J., Sharma R., She J., Shen J., Shetty B.P., Shi P., Shibuya K., Shigematsu M., Shiri R., Shiue I., Shrime M.G., Sigfusdottir I.D., Silberberg D.H., Silpakit N., Silva D.A.S., Silva J.P., Silveira D.G.A., Sindi S., Singh A., Singh J.A., Singh P.K., Singh V., Sinha D.N., Skiadaresi E., Sligar A., Smith D.L., Sobaih B.H.A., Sobngwi E., Soneji S., Soriano J.B., Sreeramareddy C.T., Srinivasan V., Stathopoulou V., Steel N., Stein D.J., Steiner C., Stöckl H., Stokes M.A., Strong M., Sufiyan M.B., Suliankatchi R.A., Sunguya B.F., Sur P.J., Swaminathan S., Sykes B.L., Szoeke C.E.I., Tabarés-Seisdedos R., Tadakamadla S.K., Tadese F., Tandon N., Tanne D., Tarajia M., Tavakkoli M., Taveira N., Tehrani-Banihashemi A., Tekelab T., Tekle D.Y., Temam Shifa G., Temsah M.-H., Terkawi A.S., Tesema C.L., Tesssema B., Theis A., Thomas N., Thompson A.H., Thomson A.J., Thrift A.G., Tiruye T.Y., Tobe-Gai R., Tonelli M., Topor-Madry R., Topouzis F., Tortajada M., Tran B.X., Truelsen T., Trujillo U., Tsilimparis N., Tuem K.B., Tuzcu E.M., Tyrovolas S., Ukwaja K.N., Undurraga E.A., Uthman O.A., Uzochukwu B.S.C., Van Boven J.F.M., Varakin Y.Y., Varughese S., Vasankari T., Vasconcelos A.M.N., Venketasubramanian N., Vidavalur R., Violante F.S., Vishnu A., Vladimirov S.K., Vlassov V.V., Vollset S.E., Vos T., Waid J.L., Wakayo T., Wang Y.-P., Weichenthal S., Weiderpass E., Weintraub R.G., Werdecker A., Wesana J., Wijeratne T., Wilkinson J.D., Wiysonge C.S., Woldeyes B.G., Wolfe C.D.A., Workicho A., Workie S.B., Xavier D., Xu G., Yaghoubi M., Yakob B., Yalew A.Z., Yan L.L., Yano Y., Yaseri M., Ye P., Yimam H.H., Yip P., Yirsaw B.D., Yonemoto N., Yoon S.-J., Yotebieng M., Younis M.Z., Zaidi Z., El Sayed Zaki M., Zeeb H., Zenebe Z.M., Zerfu T.A., Zhang A.L., Zhang X., Zodpey S., Zuhlke L.J., Lopez A.D., Murray C.J.L., GBD 2016 Mortality Collaborators (2017)
      Background: Detailed assessments of mortality patterns, particularly age-specific mortality, represent a crucial input that enables health systems to target interventions to specific populations. Understanding how all-cause ...
    • Identifying Appropriate Neuropsychological Tests for Uneducated/Illiterate Older Individuals 

      Mandyla M.-A., Yannakoulia M., Hadjigeorgiou G., Dardiotis E., Scarmeas N., Kosmidis M.H. (2021)
      Objectives: We investigated the utility of traditional neuropsychological tests in older uneducated/illiterate individuals without dementia to determine the possibility that they are likely not appropriate for this group. ...
    • Influences of parental snacking-related attitudes, behaviours and nutritional knowledge on young children’s healthy and unhealthy snacking: The ToyBox study 

      Gibson E.L., Androutsos O., Moreno L., Flores-Barrantes P., Socha P., Iotova V., Cardon G., De Bourdeaudhuij I., Koletzko B., Skripkauskaite S., Manios Y., Toybox-study Group (2020)
      This study investigated parental influences on preschool children’s healthy and unhealthy snacking in relation to child obesity in a large cross-sectional multinational sample. Parents and 3– 5 year-old child dyads (n = ...
    • Quality of Life of Hemodialysis Patients in Greece: Associations with Socio-Economic, Anthropometric and Nutritional Factors 

      Floria I., Kontele I., Grammatikopoulou M.G., Sergentanis T.N., Vassilakou T. (2022)
      Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious public health problem that, in recent decades, has taken on significant dimensions with serious effects on the quality of life (QoL) of patients. The purpose of this cross-sectional ...
    • Spiritual Well-Being and Associated Factors in End-Stage Renal Disease 

      Fradelos E.C. (2021)
      People with CKD depend on religion and spirituality to deal with their chronic illness, and those are essential means of coping for those living with chronic diseases. The present study aims to evaluate ESRD patients' ...
    • Symbol digit modalities test: Greek normative data for the oral and written version and discriminative validity in patients with multiple sclerosis 

      Messinis L., Bakirtzis C., Kosmidis M.H., Economou A., Nasios G., Anyfantis E., Konitsiotis S., Ntoskou A., Peristeri E., Dardiotis E., Grigoriadis N., Gourzis P., Papathanasopoulos P. (2021)
      Objectives: The purpose of this study was to generate normative data on the Symbol Digits Modalities Test (SDMT) for the written and oral versions in the Greek adult population. We also investigated the test's validity in ...
    • Treatment Adherence in Patients with Lung Cancer from Prospects of Patients and Physicians 

      Souliotis K., Peppou L.E., Economou M., Marioli A., Nikolaidi S., Saridi M., Varvaras D., Paschali A., Syrigos K.N. (2021)
      Purpose: Adherence to treatment can be defined as the degree to which a patient's behavior is consonant with medical or health advice he or she receive as part of his treatment regimen. The aim of this study was: 1) to ...