Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Assessing the Transition of the Romanian Power System 

      Koltsaklis N.E., Panapakidis I.P., Dagoumas A.S. (2020)
      This work presents a generic mixed integer linear programming model to determine the optimal energy and reserves scheduling of a renewable-based multi-zonal power system. In particular, through a detailed unit commitment ...
    • Optimal design of serious games for consumer engagement in the smart grid 

      Papaioannou T.G., Hatzi V., Koutsopoulos I. (2018)
      Serious games are a promising approach for demand-side management that aims to higher user engagement and active participation. In this paper,1 we introduce the problem of optimal serious-game design for achieving specific ...
    • Optimal design of serious games for demand side management 

      Papaioannou, T. G.; Hatzi, V.; Koutsopoulos, I. (2015)
      Serious games are a promising approach for demand-side management that aims to higher user engagement and active participation. In this paper+ADw-sup+AD4-1+ADw-/sup+AD4-, we introduce the problem of optimal serious-game ...