Browsing by Subject "Circular economy"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Analysing the energy efficiency of EU member states: The potential of energy recovery from waste in the circular economy
(2019)This paper examines energy efficiency across 28 selected European Union (EU) Member States and reviews the potential for energy recovery from waste according to the efficiency scores obtained. The efficiencies are assessed ... -
Assessing 28 EU member states' environmental efficiency in national waste generation with DEA
(2019)This paper deals with the efficiency of the 28 European Union (EU) Member States for the years 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 by employing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and directional distance function to tackle undesirable ... -
Business Model Development Based on Sharing Systems and Data Exchange for Sustainable City Logistics
(2021)Transport is adapting to the rapid development of technology, adopting new trends and focusing on people and environment. At the same time, the needs of citizens’ mobility and goods’ transportation are complex, requiring ... -
Circular economy. The Greek industry leaders’ way towards a transformational shift
(2020)Circular Economy (CE) has caught the eye of scholars, practitioners and policy makers. Τhe discussion so far seems to touch mainly the meso and macro level, while investigations on implementation issues regard mainly ... -
Cotton and cardoon byproducts as potential growing media components for Cichorium spinosum L. commercial cultivation
(2019)The intensification of horticultural crops cultivation makes urgent the seeking for alternative growth substrates that could substitute non-renewable and/or synthetic growing media, such as peat and rock wool. The aim of ... -
The development of an index for assessing the circularity level of eco-labels
(2022)The Circular Economy concept is recognized as a promising instrument to address sustainability goals related to production and consumption patterns. This concept can be promoted through product labels which provide consumers ... -
Energy modelling and the Nexus concept
(2018)The Nexus concept is the interconnection between the resources energy, water, food, land and climate. Such interconnections enable to address trade-offs and seek for synergies among them. Several policy areas (e.g. bio-based ...