Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Dipolar gradient elasticity of cables 

      Giannakopoulos, A. E.; Petridis, S.; Sophianopoulos, D. S. (2012)
      The increasing structural use of cables and cable-systems has given rise to a substantial technical literature concerning their static and dynamic response. However, the majority of these works is based on classical ...
    • Dynamic response of cable-stayed bridges due to sudden failure of stays: the 3D problem 

      Michaltsos G.T., Sophianopoulos D.S., Avraam T.P. (2020)
      This paper studies analytically the problem of the sudden failure of a number of stays through a suitable mathematical model, based on the analytical method exposed by authors in previous publications and extended in this ...
    • Linking Distributed and Integrated Fiber-Optic Sensing 

      Bowden D.C., Fichtner A., Nikas T., Bogris A., Simos C., Smolinski K., Koroni M., Lentas K., Simos I., Melis N.S. (2022)
      Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) has become a popular method of observing seismic wavefields: backscattered pulses of light reveal strains or strain rates at any location along a fiber-optic cable. In contrast, a few ...
    • Micropolar 2D Elastic Cables with Applications to Smart Cables and Textiles 

      Kordolemis, A.; Giannakopoulos, A. E. (2014)
      Elastic cables are structural elements with a one-sided constitutive law (compression is not allowed) that obtain their equilibrium configuration by adjusting their shape to satisfy static equilibrium. The loading of a ...