Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • Adverse effects of androgen deprivation therapy in patients with prostate cancer: Focus on muscle and bone health 

      Bargiota A., Oeconomou A., Zachos I., Samarinas M., Pisters L.L., Tzortzis V. (2020)
      Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the most effective systemic treatment for prostate cancer and can be succeeded either surgically or pharmaceutically. Both approaches lead to hypogonadism with a large variety of adverse ...
    • Associations between nutrition, energy expenditure and energy availability with bone mass acquisition in dance students: a 3-year longitudinal study 

      Amorim T., Freitas L., Metsios G.S., Gomes T.N., Wyon M., Flouris A.D., Maia J., Marques F., Nogueira L., Adubeiro N., Koutedakis Y. (2021)
      Summary: Three years of study showed that female and male vocational dancers displayed lower bone mass compared to controls, at forearm, lumbar spine and femoral neck. Energy intake was found to positively predict bone ...
    • Bivariate genome-wide association meta-analysis of pediatric musculoskeletal traits reveals pleiotropic effects at the SREBF1/TOM1L2 locus 

      Medina-Gomez C., Kemp J.P., Dimou N.L., Kreiner E., Chesi A., Zemel B.S., Bønnelykke K., Boer C.G., Ahluwalia T.S., Bisgaard H., Evangelou E., Heppe D.H.M., Bonewald L.F., Gorski J.P., Ghanbari M., Demissie S., Duque G., Maurano M.T., Kiel D.P., Hsu Y.-H., Van Der Eerden B.C.J., Ackert-Bicknell C., Reppe S., Gautvik K.M., Raastad T., Karasik D., Van De Peppel J., Jaddoe V.W.V., Uitterlinden A.G., Tobias J.H., Grant S.F.A., Bagos P.G., Evans D.M., Rivadeneira F. (2017)
      Bone mineral density is known to be a heritable, polygenic trait whereas genetic variants contributing to lean mass variation remain largely unknown. We estimated the shared SNP heritability and performed a bivariate GWAS ...
    • Bone mass of female dance students prior to professional dance training: A cross-sectional study 

      Amorim T., Metsios G.S., Wyon M., Nevill A.M., Flouris A.D., Maia J., Teixeira E., Machado J.C., Marques F., Koutedakis Y. (2017)
      Background Professional dancers are at risk of developing low bone mineral density (BMD). However, whether low BMD phenotypes already exist in pre-vocational dance students is relatively unknown. Aim To cross-sectionally ...
    • Bone mineral density in vocational and professional ballet dancers 

      Amorim T., Koutedakis Y., Nevill A., Wyon M., Maia J., Machado J.C., Marques F., Metsios G.S., Flouris A.D., Adubeiro N., Nogueira L., Dimitriou L. (2017)
      Summary: According to existing literature, bone health in ballet dancers is controversial. We have verified that, compared to controls, young female and male vocational ballet dancers have lower bone mineral density (BMD) ...
    • Bovine colostrum supplementation improves bone metabolism in an osteoporosis-induced animal model 

      Kydonaki E.K., Freitas L., Fonseca B.M., Reguengo H., Simón C.R., Bastos A.R., Fernandes E.M., Canadas R.F., Oliveira J.M., Correlo V.M., Reis R.L., Vliora M., Gkiata P., Koutedakis Y., Ntina G., Pinto R., Carrillo A.E., Marques F., Amorim T. (2021)
      Osteoporosis is characterized by bone loss. The present study aims to investigate the effects of bovine colostrum (BC) on bone metabolism using ovariectomized (OVX) and orchidec-tomized (ORX) rat models. Twenty-seven-week-old ...
    • Cortical and trabecular bone analysis of professional dancers using 3D-DXA: a case–control study 

      Freitas L., Amorim T., Humbert L., Fonollá R., Flouris A.D., Metsios G.S., Jamurtas A.Z., Koutedakis Y. (2019)
      Given the lack of relevant data, the aim of this study was to examine femur cortical and trabecular bone in female and male professional ballet dancers. 40 professional ballet dancers and 40 sex- and age-matched non-exercising ...
    • Determinants of Bone Outcomes in Adolescent Athletes at Baseline: The PRO-BONE Study 

      Vlachopoulos D., Ubago-Guisado E., Barker A.R., Metcalf B.S., Fatouros I.G., Avloniti A., Knapp K.M., Moreno L.A., Williams C.A., Gracia-Marco L. (2017)
      Purpose The determinants of areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and hip geometry estimates in adolescent athletes are poorly understood. This study aimed to identify the determinants of aBMD and hip geometry estimates in ...
    • Endocrine parameters in association with bone mineral accrual in young female vocational ballet dancers 

      Amorim T., Metsios G.S., Flouris A.D., Nevill A., Gomes T.N., Wyon M., Marques F., Nogueira L., Adubeiro N., Jamurtas A.Z., Maia J., Koutedakis Y. (2019)
      Summary: Less is known on bone mass gains in dancers involved in vocational dance training. The present study found that, as young vocational dancers progress on their professional training, their bone health remains ...
    • Genetic sharing with cardiovascular disease risk factors and diabetes reveals novel bone mineral density loci 

      Reppe S., Wang Y., Thompson W.K., McEvoy L.K., Schork A.J., Zuber V., LeBlanc M., Bettella F., Mills I.G., Desikan R.S., Djurovic S., Gautvik K.M., Dale A.M., Andreassen O.A., Estrada K., Styrkarsdottir U., Evangelou E., Hsu Y.-H., Duncan E.L., Ntzani E.E., Oei L., Albagha O.M.E., Amin N., Kemp J.P., Koller D.L., Li G., Liu C.-T., Minster R.L., Moayyeri A., Vandenput L., Willner D., Xiao S.-M., Yerges-Armstrong L.M., Zheng H.-F., Alonso N., Eriksson J., Kammerer C.M., Kaptoge S.K., Leo P.J., Thorleifsson G., Wilson S.G., Wilson J.F., Aalto V., Alen M., Aragaki A.K., Aspelund T., Center J.R., Dailiana Z., Duggan D.J., Garcia M., Garcia-Giralt N., Giroux S., Hallmans G., Hocking L.J., Husted L.B., Jameson K.A., Khusainova R., Kim G.S., Kooperberg C., Koromila T., Kruk M., Laaksonen M., Lacroix A.Z., Lee S.H., Leung P.C., Lewis J.R., Masi L., Mencej-Bedrac S., Nguyen T.V., Nogues X., Patel M.S., Prezelj J., Rose L.M., Scollen S., Siggeirsdottir K., Smith A.V., Svensson O., Trompet S., Trummer O., Van Schoor N.M., Woo J., Zhu K., Balcells S., Brandi M.L., Buckley B.M., Cheng S., Christiansen C., Cooper C., Dedoussis G., Ford I., Frost M., Goltzman D., González-Macías J., Kähönen M., Karlsson M., Khusnutdinova E., Koh J.-M., Kollia P., Langdahl B.L., Leslie W.D., Lips P., Ljunggren Ö., Lorenc R.S., Marc J., Mellström D., Obermayer-Pietsch B., Olmos J.M., Pettersson-Kymmer U., Reid D.M., Riancho J.A., Ridker P.M., Rousseau F., Slagboom P.E., Tang N.L.S., Urreizti R., Van Hul W., Viikari J., Zarrabeitia M.T., Aulchenko Y.S., Castano-Betancourt M., Grundberg E., Herrera L., Ingvarsson T., Johannsdottir H., Kwan T., Li R., Luben R., Medina-Gómez C., Palsson S.Th., Rotter J.I., Sigurdsson G., Van Meurs J.B.J., Verlaan D., Williams F.M.K., Wood A.R., Zhou Y., Pastinen T., Raychaudhuri S., Cauley J.A., Chasman D.I., Clark G.R., Cummings S.R., Danoy P., Dennison E.M., Eastell R., Eisman J.A., Gudnason V., Hofman A., Jackson R.D., Jones G., Jukema J.W., Khaw K.-T., Lehtimäki T., Liu Y., Lorentzon M., McCloskey E., Mitchell B.D., Nandakumar K., Nicholson G.C., Oostra B.A., Peacock M., Pols H.A.P., Prince R.L., Raitakari O., Reid I.R., Robbins J., Sambrook P.N., Sham P.C., Shuldiner A.R., Tylavsky F.A., Van Duijn C.M., Wareham N.J., Cupples L.A., Econs M.J., Evans D.M., Harris T.B., Kung A.W.C., Psaty B.M., Reeve J., Spector T.D., Streeten E.A., Zillikens M.C., Thorsteinsdottir U., Ohlsson C., Karasik D., Richards J.B., Brown M.A., Stefansson K., Uitterlinden A.G., Ralston S.H., Ioannidis J.P.A., Kiel D.P., Rivadeneira F., GEFOS Consortium (2015)
      Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is a highly heritable trait, but genome-wide association studies have identified few genetic risk factors. Epidemiological studies suggest associations between BMD and several traits and diseases, ...
    • Genetic variation in Wnt/β-catenin and ER signalling pathways in female and male elite dancers and its associations with low bone mineral density: a cross-section and longitudinal study 

      Amorim T., Durães C., Machado J.C., Metsios G.S., Wyon M., Maia J., Flouris A.D., Marques F., Nogueira L., Adubeiro N., Koutedakis Y. (2018)
      Summary: The association of genetic polymorphisms with low bone mineral density in elite athletes have not been considered previously. The present study found that bone mass phenotypes in elite and pre-elite dancers are ...
    • The Impact of Sport Participation on Bone Mass and Geometry in Male Adolescents 

      Vlachopoulos D., Barker A.R., Williams C.A., Arngrímsson S.A., Knapp K.M., Metcalf B.S., Fatouros I.G., Moreno L.A., Gracia-Marco L. (2017)
      Purpose Exercise is an effective approach for developing bone mass and adolescence is a key period to optimize bone health. However, sports-specific training may have different effects on bone outcomes. This study examined ...
    • Longitudinal Adaptations of Bone Mass, Geometry, and Metabolism in Adolescent Male Athletes: The PRO-BONE Study 

      Vlachopoulos D., Barker A.R., Ubago-Guisado E., Fatouros I.G., Knapp K.M., Williams C.A., Gracia-Marco L. (2017)
      Adolescence is a crucial period for bone development, and exercise can enhance bone acquisition during this period of life. However, it is not known how the different loading sports practiced can affect bone acquisition ...
    • Longitudinal determinants of 12-month changes on bone health in adolescent male athletes 

      Ubago-Guisado E., Vlachopoulos D., Fatouros I.G., Deli C.K., Leontsini D., Moreno L.A., Courteix D., Gracia-Marco L. (2018)
      Summary: We identified the determinants of 12-month changes of areal bone mineral density (aBMD), hip geometry and trabecular bone score (TBS) in adolescent male athletes. Changes in region-specific lean mass and the type ...
    • Lower fibroblast growth factor 23 levels in young adults with crohn disease as a possible secondary compensatory effect on the disturbance of bone and mineral metabolism 

      Oikonomou, K. A.; Orfanidou, T. I.; Vlychou, M. K.; Kapsoritakis, A. N.; Tsezou, A.; Malizos, K. N.; Potamianos, S. P. (2014)
      Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) is a bone-derived circulating phosphaturic factor that decreases serum concentration of phosphate and vitamin D, suggested to actively participate in a complex renal-gastrointestinal-skeletal ...
    • Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Agents versus Bovine Colostrum Supplementation for the Management of Bone Health Using an Osteoporosis-Induced Rat Model 

      Kydonaki E.K., Freitas L., Reguengo H., Simón C.R., Bastos A.R., Fernandes E.M., Canadas R.F., Oliveira J.M., Correlo V.M., Reis R.L., Vliora M., Gkiata P., Koutedakis Y., Ntina G., Pinto R., Carrillo A.E., Marques F., Amorim T. (2022)
      Osteoporosis is defined by loss of bone mass and deteriorated bone microarchitecture. The present study compared the effects of available pharmacological and non-pharmacological agents for osteoporosis [alendronate (ALE) ...
    • Physical activity may be a potent regulator of bone turnover biomarkers in healthy girls during preadolescence 

      Kambas A., Leontsini D., Avloniti A., Chatzinikolaou A., Stampoulis T., Makris K., Draganidis D., Jamurtas A.Z., Tournis S., Fatouros I.G. (2017)
      This study investigated the effects of different levels of habitual physical activity (PA) assessed by pedometry on bone turnover markers of preadolescent girls according to a cross-sectional experimental design. Sixty ...
    • Using multivariable Mendelian randomization to estimate the causal effect of bone mineral density on osteoarthritis risk, independently of body mass index 

      Hartley A., Sanderson E., Granell R., Paternoster L., Zheng J., Smith G.D., Southam L., Hatzikotoulas K., Boer C.G., Van Meurs J., Zeggini E., Gregson C.L., Tobias J.H., Stefánsdóttir L., Zhang Y., De Almeida R.C., Wu T.T., Teder-Laving M., Skogholt A.-H., Terao C., Zengini E., Alexiadis G., Barysenka A., Bjornsdottir G., Gabrielsen M.E., Gilly A., Ingvarsson T., Johnsen M.B., Jonsson H., Kloppenburg M.G., Luetge A., Mägi R., Mangino M., Nelissen R.R.G.H.H., Shivakumar M., Steinberg J., Takuwa H., Thomas L., Tuerlings M., Babis G., Cheung J.P.Y., Samartzis D., Lietman S.A., Slagboom P.E., Stefansson K., Uitterlinden A.G., Winsvold B., Zwart J.-A., Sham P.C., Thorleifsson G., Gaunt T.R., Morris A.P., Valdes A.M., Tsezou A., Cheah K.S.E., Ikegawa S., Hveem K., Esko T., Wilkinson J.M., Meulenbelt I., Michael Lee M.T., Styrkársdóttir U. (2022)
      Objectives: Observational analyses suggest that high bone mineral density (BMD) is a risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA); it is unclear whether this represents a causal effect or shared aetiology and whether these relationships ...