Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Competing mortality in patients with neuroendocrine tumors 

      Low S.K., Giannis D., Bahaie N.S., Trong B.L.H., Moris D., Huy N.T. (2019)
      Objectives: Patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are at increased risk of mortality from competing causes in light of the improvement in overall survival over recent decades. The purpose of this study was to explore ...
    • Soluble urokinase receptor (SuPAR) in COVID-19-Related AKI 

      Azam T.U., Shadid H.R., Blakely P., O'Hayer P., Berlin H., Pan M., Zhao P., Zhao L., Pennathur S., Pop-Busui R., Altintas I., Tingleff J., Stauning M.A., Andersen O., Adami M.-E., Solomonidi N., Tsilika M., Tober-Lau P., Arnaoutoglou E., Keitel V., Tacke F., Chalkias A., Loosen S.H., Giamarellos-Bourboulis E.J., Eugen-Olsen J., Reiser J., Hayek S.S., Hayek S.S., Blakely P., Berlin H., Azam T.U., Shadid H., Pan M., O'Hayer P., Meloche C., Feroze R., Padalia K.J., Anderson E., Perry D., Bitar A., Kaakati R., Zhao L., Zhao P., Eugen-Olsen J., Altintas I., Tingleff J., Stauning M., Houlind M.B., Lindstrøm M.B., Andersen O., Gamst-Jensen H., Rasmussen L.J.H., Rasmussen C., Nehlin J.O., Kallemose T., Parvaiz I., Adami M.-E., Solomonidi N., Tsilika M., Saridaki M., Lekakis V., Loosen S., Luedde T., Keitel V., Arnaoutoglou E., Pantazopoulos I., Laou E., Kolonia K., Skoulakis A., Tacke F., Tober-Lau P., Mohr R., Kurth F., Sander L.E., Jochum C., International Study of Inflammation in COVID-19 (2020)
      Background AKI commonly occurs in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Its pathogenesis is poorly understood. The urokinase receptor system is a key regulator of the intersection between inflammation, immunity, ...